12th Fail (2023) Download Good Latest Hindi Movies (2024)

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12th Fail (2023) Download Good Latest Hindi Movies (1)

9.6/10IMDB Rating


Vinod Chopra Films
Available in
January 12, 2024
Quality option
Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Main Stars
Vikrant Massey, Medha Shankar and Joshi Anantvijay

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In the vast landscape of the Indian film industry, where stories often transcend boundaries and touch the hearts of viewers, 12th Fail emerges as a beacon of inspiration. Directed by the acclaimed Vidhu Vinod Chopra, this Hindi-language biographical drama, released on October 27, 2023, narrates the remarkable real-life journey of Manoj Kumar Sharma, who, despite facing extreme poverty, rose to become an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer. Starring Vikrant Massey in the lead role, alongside a talented ensemble cast, including Medha Shankar, Anant V Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar, and Priyanshu Chatterjee, 12th Fail has not only received critical acclaim but has also emerged as a sleeper hit at the box office. It is also the best movie in the Good Bollywood movies category.

Unfolding the plot of 12th Fail

Set against the backdrop of the dacoit-infested region of Chambal, 12th Fail delves into the life of Manoj Kumar Sharma, the son of a clerk. The narrative takes an unexpected turn when Manoj’s father, an honest man, is suspended for standing up against corruption. In an attempt to secure good grades, Manoj and his peers resort to cheating during their Class 12 exams, only to be stopped by the newly transferred police officer, DSP Dushyant Singh. The consequence: all students, including Manoj, fail the exam.

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Cast 12th Fail

Experience the inspiring journey from failure to triumph in 12th Fail, directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. Starring Vikrant Massey, this Hindi biographical drama echoes the storytelling brilliance seen in Chopra’s acclaimed films like ‘Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.’ and ‘3 Idiots.’ With compelling performances and a modest budget of ₹20 crore, 12th Fail has surpassed expectations, grossing over ₹66 crore worldwide. Join us for a cinematic celebration of perseverance and inspiration, as 12th Fail leaves its mark alongside iconic films from the visionary director.

Triumph and Transformation: From Failure to Success

The narrative takes a turn as Manoj’s relentless determination pushes him to overcome financial setbacks, pursue education, and eventually move to Delhi with Pritam Pandey to prepare for the UPSC exam. This section navigates through Manoj’s encounters with Gauri Bhaiya, the challenges he faces in relationships, and the pivotal moment of his grandmother’s passing. Against all odds, Manoj emerges successful, not only clearing the exams but also achieving his dream of becoming an IPS officer. The subheading captures the essence of Manoj’s triumph and transformation, showcasing how failure became a stepping stone to ultimate success.

Struggles and Determination behind 12th Fail

Manoj’s journey is a rollercoaster of hardships and setbacks. Despite financial challenges, he passes exams without resorting to cheating and enrolls in college to pursue a B.A. degree. However, his dreams are shattered when the government suspends the Group I exams of the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) for the next three years. Undeterred, Manoj, along with fellow aspirant Pritam Pandey, decides to move to Delhi to prepare for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam.

Financial Hurdles and Academic Setbacks

Manoj’s journey in 12th Fail is marked by financial challenges that threaten to derail his academic aspirations. After his father’s suspension, the family faces financial distress, compelling Manoj and his brother to run a traveling rickshaw for sustenance. Despite these adversities, Manoj’s determination to pursue education without resorting to cheating becomes a defining theme. His commitment to passing exams and enrolling in college reflects the resilience required to navigate the turbulent waters of financial instability.

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The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) Suspension

The narrative takes a dramatic turn when Manoj’s dreams of taking the Group I exams of the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) are shattered. The government’s decision to suspend these exams for the next three years presents a formidable obstacle. Undeterred, Manoj, accompanied by fellow aspirant Pritam Pandey, makes a pivotal decision to move to Delhi and prepare for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam. This phase of the story showcases Manoj’s unwavering determination to overcome systemic challenges and pursue his aspirations on a grander scale.

Overcoming Obstacles by a 12th Fail

Manoj’s journey isn’t without challenges. Pritam, failing his exams, spreads rumors about Shraddha having an affair with Manoj. Initially angered, Manoj realizes Pritam’s true passion lies in journalism and encourages him to pursue it. During the interview round, Manoj answers honestly and receives a letter from Shraddha expressing her desire to marry him. Months later, results are announced, and Manoj qualifies to become an IPS officer.

Overcoming Personal and Academic Hurdles

Manoj’s journey in 12th Fail is fraught with personal and academic challenges. Falsely accused and framed, he faces the daunting task of proving his brother’s innocence while striving to pursue his own academic aspirations. The suspension of Group I exams adds another layer of complexity, testing his resilience. However, his decision to move to Delhi with Pritam Pandey showcases his determination to overcome these obstacles, setting the stage for a transformative chapter in his life.

Triumph Amidst Relationship Struggles

Manoj’s path to success is not without relationship struggles. Misunderstandings and rumors threaten his budding romance with Shraddha, fueled by Pritam’s actions. Despite the challenges, Manoj’s unwavering commitment to honesty and his encouragement for Pritam to follow his true passion emphasize the theme of personal growth and the triumph of integrity over adversity. The narrative highlights how overcoming relationship obstacles becomes an integral part of Manoj’s overall journey from failure to success.

The Success Story behind the 12th Fail

As an IPS officer, Manoj expresses gratitude to DSP Dushyant, marries Shraddha, and sees Pritam embark on a career as a news reporter. The film concludes with a sense of triumph as Manoj fulfills his dreams, inspiring others with his incredible journey.

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Manoj’s Gratitude and Expression to DSP Dushyant

Manoj, now an accomplished IPS officer, expresses deep gratitude to DSP Dushyant at the police station in Mandsaur. This poignant moment highlights the impact that mentors and positive influences can have on one’s journey. Manoj’s acknowledgment serves as a tribute to the individuals who played pivotal roles in his transformation from a struggling student to a successful officer.

Marriage and Personal Triumph

The narrative takes a personal turn as Manoj marries Shraddha, his love interest. This union signifies not only the culmination of a love story but also the triumph of commitment, endurance, and shared aspirations. Manoj’s success extends beyond his professional achievements, encapsulating a holistic sense of accomplishment.

Pritam’s Career Launch as a News Reporter

As Manoj achieves success, the film also celebrates Pritam’s journey. Pritam, initially a source of conflict, discovers his true passion in journalism. Encouraged by Manoj, Pritam embarks on a new career path, symbolizing the transformative power of encouragement and understanding among friends.

Culmination of Dreams and Inspirational Legacy

The film’s conclusion marks the fulfillment of Manoj’s dreams. His journey, from being a 12th fail student to an IPS officer, becomes an inspirational legacy. Manoj’s triumph serves as a beacon, motivating others to overcome obstacles and pursue their aspirations. The narrative echoes the film’s central theme – that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards a fulfilling and successful life. Surpasses the movie Dry Day.

12th Fail Reception and Impact

Upon release, 12th Fail received critical acclaim for its inspiring story, authentic characters, and thought-provoking narrative. Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV praised the screenplay, extracting drama from the protagonist’s journey without unnecessary extravagance. Mayank Shekhar of Mid-day commended the film for capturing the essence of India’s education system, and Monika Rawal Kukreja of Hindustan Times highlighted its portrayal of UPSC students’ hardships and flaws in the education system.

A Critical Acclaim

Upon its release, 12th Fail garnered widespread critical acclaim for its compelling narrative, authentic characters, and powerful storytelling. Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV praised the screenplay’s ability to extract drama without unnecessary extravagance. Mayank Shekhar of Mid-day commended the film for its insightful portrayal of India’s education system, while Monika Rawal Kukreja of Hindustan Times highlighted its illumination of the hardships faced by UPSC students. The film’s reception underscores its ability to resonate with audiences, earning accolades for its thought-provoking content and exceptional execution.

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Inspiring and Box Office Triumph

12th Fail transcended mere critical success, making a significant impact at the box office. Despite its modest budget of ₹20 crore, the film grossed over ₹66 crore worldwide, attaining the status of a sleeper hit. Its relatable story and inspiring message resonated with viewers of all ages, establishing 12th Fail as a cinematic triumph that not only touched hearts but also achieved commercial success. The film’s enduring impact extends beyond the screen, leaving audiences inspired by Manoj Kumar Sharma’s remarkable journey from failure to success.

12th Fail (2023) Download Good Latest Hindi Movies (2024)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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