A first job at eight years old and a realization that shaped this CEO’s approach to customer service at 10 (2024)

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For almost a decade, Manulife Financial president and CEO Roy Gori has been based in Toronto and charged with the tall task of being the face of the insurance behemoth. But where did the bigwig learn how it’s done? And what does drinking tea with the elderly have to do with anything? Here, Mr. Gori explains.

As you can tell from my accent, I’m from Australia, where, at least in 1979, it was totally normal for kids to have part-time jobs. Lots of my friends had jobs after school or on the weekends, even just for a few hours, so I got one, too. I started at eight years old with a newspaper run, then I worked at a grocery store and a fruit shop and, later, at an aquarium.

When I was 10 years old, I saw a “Help Wanted” sign at a local pharmacy and offered my services, delivering medicine and supplies to the elderly. Most of them weren’t very mobile and couldn’t get out of the house much, so it was my job to ride on my push bike to their house and make deliveries. I’d spend all day going back and forth within a 10-kilometre radius of the pharmacy. We didn’t have tons of TV time and internet and Gameboys like kids do now, so my friends and I all rode around on our bikes til it got dark anyhow.

The pharmacy paid me $4.50 an hour, but since it was a free service that the pharmacy provided, the real money to be made was from tips. People would often invite me in for tea and a biscuit, which, to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable letting my kids do in this day and age, but in 1979, it was okay. I kinda felt sorry for them because they seemed so lonely and desperate for company. So I would indulge them because I knew the longer I stayed, the more money I’d make from tips.

At first, I stayed as a courtesy, watching the clock and waiting to get out. I admit it started out as a bit of a chore; I just wanted to get out of there and do my next delivery and be done. But the more I got to know them, the more they’d tell me these amazing stories about their lives and their accomplishments. One lady was a nurse in the war stationed in France. Another was actually an Olympic swimmer in her youth.

Getting to know people beyond what I saw on the surface really shaped how I engage with people. Sometimes, when we meet people, we put up a façade and talk pleasantries and we miss the moment to really connect. Digging deeper and engaging more helped me learn that everyone has a story, and the more I listened, the more interesting they became. Soon, I found myself really looking forward to these visits and staying for 15 or 20 minutes.

Sometimes, the boss would be angry by the time I got back, but he couldn’t stay mad because people would call the pharmacy to relay their appreciation and compliment me and ask for me to come back with future deliveries. It was very rewarding for me to do something that makes someone’s day better. I saw the time I put in, even just a few minutes, come back to me in a big way.

These days, now that I run an organization with 40,000 employees and 110,000 sales folk, I can’t meet with all of them all the time. When I do meet with them, even if it’s once every six months, I can show up, every time. It might be the only time they meet the CEO, in fact, so whatever I do, they’ll walk away with an impression. I can’t let my emotions, my attitude, or however I’m feeling that day affect the impression that I make. I’m very aware that the shadow I cast is important, and people will absolutely remember however I made them feel. I try to keep that in mind and always bring my A-game.

But it’s not just about me projecting my best self, it’s about connecting with and getting to know people all the time to create an environment where people can thrive. It takes and costs almost nothing to show kindness and empathy. It’s so easy to do, and it may mean a whole lot more to them than it does to you.

As told to Rosemary Counter

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A first job at eight years old and a realization that shaped this CEO’s approach to customer service at 10 (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.