CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #16 (2024)

happening. On may 29th, that plan was put into action. Witnesses told the court they saw a slender man hop into the truck of a waiting honda accord which sped off. Inside, his mother heard several pops. She testified, I looked at him. He was looking at me. I could see the blood everywhere on the ground. I could do nothing. She said she called 9-1-1 and asked any driver in the outside gas station for help. Police pulled footage from 70 dashcams to follow the accord. One officer testified a major break in the case. Jon woodward, ctv news. >> The rookie truck driver behind one of canada's worst tragedies has been ordered back to india. In 2018, sidhu barreled into the humboldt hockey players. >> He is set to be deported to india following a decision from an immigration and refugee board hearing. >> At a hearing like this, they have to determine if the person is a citizen or not and if they have been convicted of a serious crime. >> Sidhu became a permanent resident a month before the humboldt bus crash. He was a rookie truck driver from calgary who drove past a stop sign. Some family members did not want to comment on sidhu's deportation. The father of crash victim boulet said: [Reading from Text on Screen] we are prepared to remain diligent in disbelief even if Mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. >> Obviously, you want the best for someone and the best for a human. You know, there's no -- there's no negative emotions toward him and his family. >> In 2019, sidhu pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. He got full parole last year. Since sidhu was a permanent resident and not yet a canadian citizen, the canada border services agency recommended deportation. >> He has a family, a wife and child. They are both canadian citizens. They probably can't go back to india. It would be destructive to his life >> Sidhu's lawyer says he is reapply for permanent status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. >> Roger: the first nations in B.C. are calling for the removal of an rcmp officer who had a social media post. Rcmp say the pictures were post-seasoned more than a decade before the officer joined the force. They say the officer will be transferred, but will remain on duty for up to 90 days. In a statement to ctv, the rcmp says we are committed to finding the right balance between addressing the concerns through a fair process and the importance of individuals having trust and confidence in their police officers and the rcmp.

>>> Well, a recent nanos poll shows that nearly 43% of canadians would throw their support behind the federal conservative party. We just lost nik nanos. We will get back to him. We are just having -- oh, now we have him again. How are you, sir? >> Good thanks. How are you roger? >> Roger: good. Now I can relax. >> You are always chill. What are you talking about. >> Roger: 43%. Where does that put the conservatives. That is massive. >> Yeah, it puts the conservatives comfortably into majority territory. 43%. Let's face it, they are 18 points ahead of the liberals. One thing, roger, we chatted about the ballot numbers. If you remember, there was a time when the liberals and the new democrats were within a margin of error. Now you can see that the liberals are basically 8 points up from the new democrats. That's probably good news for the red team. Bad news for jagmeet singh. The reality is for the liberals, they still significantly trail the conservatives and the conservatives remain firmly in the driver's seat when it comes to balance support right now. >> Any idea why we are seeing those numbers and why the ndp is taking a hit? >> It probably has to do with strategic voting. For individuals that like the new democrats and jagmeet singh. They probably like a lot of things. Look at that lead that pierre poilievre and the conservatives have. I think that's what liberals have to hope for. That again 18 points back, roger. That's a big gap to close. They are going to need -- pierre poilievre is going to need to slip on a few political banana peels. He's going to need to mess up somehow. He is very disciplined. >> He knows what happens with that. It doesn't take long for those leads to disappear. We will see what happens. >> That's what elections are about. >> And poilievre, preference for prime minister? Who is choosing who? >> We have been tracking this when we look at the trend lines. Pierre poilievre at 28. The red tread line is justin trudeau and the liberal leader. He has been in the 50s and now he is in the 20s. Not great news for justin trudeau. And pierre poilievre, you look at that 38. Over a 10-year period, there have been other leaders like erin o'toole and andrew scheer and stephen harper. He is scoring higher than them. And what's clear, at least, is pierre poilievre has a little more political muscle than any conservative leader since stephen harper. That's probably speaks to what canadians feeling right now. >> Roger: the big thing has always been about policy. Who has the best policy. What are people thinking right now? >> It looks like the conservatives are benefitting from focusing on meat and potatoes issues. When we ask canadians who will have policy platforms, which are probably the most appealing to you, the conservatives are at 4. They are up 7 points from the last time we did this. Liberals at 22. Check out that ndp number. They are down 14 points since the last time we asked this question to 14%. Bad news, another 17% unsure. But what this speaks to, at least, pierre poilievre's focus on inflation, the cost of living, housing, all of that kind of stuff is paying dividends and jagmeet singh getting squeezed on the policy front. Not paying off at least in this question. >> Roger: nik nanos, always appreciate it. Glad you made it in. Nik nanos, founder and chief data scientist at nanos research. >> The pressure is on to unite the right in B.C. in an attempt to dethrone the ndp. The B.C. united party and the B.C. conservatives have both come out swinging and therefore there's still no deal. >> After weeks of speculation and negotiation between b.c.'s two right of centre parties, plans for a deal to avoid vote splitting fell apart. >> We are done, too. I would make a sincere effort. We made that effort.

we received that effort. Now we are moving on. >> B.C. united have been plummeting. Last night, rejekted a proposed framework for a so-called non-competition deal. The proposed framework involved incumbents for each party, 15 B.C. uniteed and two B.C. conservatives running unoepposed for the other party. >> The notion that you are going to be requesting B.C. conservative can dates who are already nominated >> When I look at the offer that came in, I view it as completely irrational and unreasonable. >> The gloves came off fast and furiously today. >> They have some candidates that I think are extremely problematic. >> It seems to be more about -- than it is about what is right what the people are doing for british columbia. >> They are squabbling over back-room deals. Not even paying attention to what british columbians care about. >> I'm so disappointed in where this seems to be going. I don't think either one of them is taking a wise risk here. If they don't come together, neither one of them can win. >> A gamble both leaders are staring down and both seem willing to take. >>> Some frightening numbers out of new brunswick. They could lose a fifth of their teachers in the english school districts over the next five years. All due to retirement. It's a staggering amount and some are calling for a better recruitment plan to stop it from becoming a crisis. Ctv's laura brown has more. >> Of the new brunswick teachers association, 6500 members, 1200 are eligible to retire within the next five years. A large number when the province is already running short on qualitied teachers. >> Teachers are stretched at this time and not having enough resources could be draining. >> The situation could become a crisis if decision makers don't act now. >> I do have concerns that it gets lost over the summer months and teachers are in the same place come fall. >> The system is relying on supply teachers. The english school districts have issued 11,000 local permits to supply supply teachers. >> Some universities have not filled all of their education seats. We have asked them to do that. >> The department of education promised to address the issues facing the system which includes a recruitment and retention plan. Legacy feels it needs more urgency. >> We are going to empower districts because districts do the hiring to give contracts right away. We will ensure that the money is there for the contracts >> The province has been there behind the game watching other provinces watching new brunswick trained teachers. Violence in schools. >> Anecdotally, teachers are seeing increases in violence. But I think we see that in all of our communities as well. >> A video surfaced last week showing two teens in an altercation off school property. It sparked questions on how prevalent violence among youths has become. >> Roger: coming up... The international court of justice orders israel to immediately halt its operation in rafah. We will have those details after the break. (Snickering) Hanging tree [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is his why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at truthaboutweight.ca. ( ) Make room for more fresh ingredients. Say to goodbye to less-than-fresh take out. Say hello to home made and delicious. HelloFresh, home cooking made easy.

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Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. >> Fort nelson's mayor warns residents to stay away. He says conditions are still too dangerous. >> I see people being frustrated and annoyed, upset. All of those things >> Brace yourself for some travel headaches. Border unions are threatening a strike. >> It's to go out there and make sure you look the part, act the part, you are bringing home one of your own. >> Canada's military prepares to bring home the remains of a fallen soldier who died in france. >> Roger: you are watching ctv news channel. I'm roger peterson. Thank you very much for joining us. Fort nelson wildfire evacuees are being warned against coming home early. Mayor rob fraser says it's not safe for them to return. If you come back early, it could cause congestion on the highways, blocking healthcare workers and other emergency personle from getting through. 4700 residents were evacuated from the area two weeks ago. Officials are hoping they can go home next week. >> A summer of discontent could pose a threat of travel plans to many. Unions representing 9,000 canadian border service agency members have voted in favour of a strike that could come next month if there is no deal. Ctv's genevieve beauchemin has the details >> Canadians plan for a summer trip abroad could hit a roadblock. Canada border service agency workers handed their unions a strike mandate. A move supported by 96% of members who voted >> Absolutely, I could see people being frustrated and inconvenienced and upset and annoyed. It's not something we want either >> Cbsa employees are posted at land crossings and also work at intelligence officer investigators. >> We are looking for greater parity regarding salary. Some protections around contracting out. And of course, equitable retirement benefits. >> They want options for those who can work at home. At a time when the public sector has a summer ever discontent over the government demanding more days in the office. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we recognize the hard work they do every day keeping canada safe at our borders. We also know that best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table and that's exactly where the ministers are focused. >> And the government says 90% of union members are designated as essential. They must provide services in the event of strike. Their job action could leave motorists at the borders for hours. It could also slow the flow of goods across the borders and spend any time at the border crossing and you can see how many trucks are flowing back and forth here. Strike measures could come by mid-june. >> Roger: jurors in an ontario murder trial had heard the accused had connections to the terror group isis. The crown says the reason the victim was killed is because he was ready to expose those terrorist ties. Jon woodward reports. >> Reporter: it was a bloody scene. Five family members shot. In an attack that shocked the city of mississauga. >> I just don't understand. >> Senseless. Really is. >> At the time, police released this surveillance video of the gunman before and after the shooting. Part of an investigation that led to the arrest of three men. And led the crown attorney to tell a jury in the first-degree murder trial. Crown attorney said you will hear evidence that name he had become aware that the group pledged aallegiance to isis and money was being used to finance that organization. Sent back home to further that cause. He was planning to go to the authorities and betray the others. It is our position that the others prevented that plan from

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CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #16 (2024)


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