Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (2024)

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has become quite the favorite among anime fans with their vast world and characters. Nezuko Kamado has turned into one of the most well-known and popular characters in the series. Being a sole survivor of demons with his brother Tanjiro, she herself is in a constant struggle with becoming a demon and retaining her humanity.

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It’s one of the reasons why Nezuko has been an important character in the show. Let’s take a look at what makes Nezuko so special in Demon Slayer.

Updated October 6th, 2021 by Bailey Jo Josie: After the massive success of season one ofDemon Slayer and the anime'sfirst movie, Mugen Train, anime fans can't get enough of the wildly popular series, especially in anticipation of season two. Nezuko is a major character in the series and her humanity is what drives the narrative so there's still so much to uncover about Nezuko Kamado.

15 Nezuko Isn’t Any Ordinary Demon

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (1)

After turning into a demon, Nezuko still contains her human consciousness while in her demonic state. Other demons that she and Tanjiro have encountered noticed that Nezuko is different from their kind. Instead of relying on human blood to survive, she uses sleep to revitalize her energy. The powers that she has shown go from superhuman strength to size manipulation.

When she fights, she has incredible strength and adapts to anything surrounding her. She continues to grow after each battle, especially with her Exploding Blood Demon Art. Her unique abilities and innocence have gradually made her into one of the most powerful demons in the series.

14 She Has A Really Sweet Relationship With The Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (2)

In the manga, Nezuko gets to know the Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji and looks up to her like an older sister, which makes their relationship interesting since Nezuko usually sees female humans as either a surrogate mother or a young sister.

There are several panels that show Nezuko in an almost-chibi form as she plays with and is tickled by the older female Hashira. There is even a sketch in the manga where Tanjiro is styling Nezuko's hair to look like Misturi's signature thick braids.

13 Nezuko’s Eyes Changed Colors After Her Transformation

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (3)

At the start of the series, Nezuko’s eyes were red and normal for a human. Once she was turned into a demon after her family’s attack, her eyes changed into pink. Usually, we would think it’s the other way around, but her pink eyes simply indicate her demonic nature. We also notice that her kimono is pink, matching her eyes.

There may not be a connection there, but it’s worth noting that her eyes match the clothing, which shows her innocence underneath her demon state. It also reminds us that Nezuko’s human side is still in there beneath the monster she has become.

12 Nezuko’s Human Traits Are Still Intact

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (4)

Before becoming a demon, Nezuko was a very compassionate and sympathetic girl. Just like her brother Tanjiro, she would put others before herself to look after her family. After her transformation, she nearly forgot all her memories as a human but she retained the ones involving her family.

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She still kept her protective and caring traits in her demon form. Nezuko has been shielding those whom she considers her family, causing her to join the fight with her brother against all demons to avenge the ones they love. So not everything was lost after Nezuko was turned into a monster.

11 Nezuko's Bamboo Muzzle Ensures She Never Tastes Human Blood

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (5)

While it's Nezuko's unparalleled indomitable will and the hypnosis that has her view all humans as her family that keeps her from devouring humans, the bamboo muzzle she wears is still a necessity.

Not only does the muzzle keep Nezuko from biting anybody (including herself) it also keeps her mouth closed at all times, which means that she won't ever get the chance to taste human blood, even by accident. It's a good thing that Nezuko only needs to sleep for sustenance and doesn't need food.

10 Her Family Connection To Fire

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (6)

Nezuko’s family works in the charcoal business, meaning that they work using fire a lot. The fire has become a major element for Nezuko throughout the series as her abilities continue to grow. Her Demon Blood Art is fire-based where her blood turns into fire instantly outside her body. The Exploding Blood turns into pink flames whenever Nezuko uses it.

Fire is considered lucky among families that work with that element, so it’s no wonder Nezuko has been able to use her fire abilities with ease against other demons. It seems that the use of fire just runs in the family.

9 Nezuko’s Maker Is Main Antagonist Muzan Kibutsuji

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (7)

We know that it was demons that attacked the Kamado family, but the one responsible for the attacks wasn’t revealed until a couple of episodes into the series. We find out that the demon accountable for the attacks is none other than Muzan Kibutsuji, a thousand-year-old demon who also is the creator of all the demons that exist in the world of Demon Slayer.

He is also the one who turned Nezuko into a demon as well. We don’t know much about his background, but all we know is that he is the first of his kind and can turn anyone into a demon just like a virus. Even though he turned Nezuko, it seems like she’s not like others he has turned.

8 Nezuko's Normal Size Is Very Petite

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (8)

One of Nezuko's incredible demon powers is being able to adjust her size. From growing in strength and size when fighting in battle to getting down to travel size so she can fit comfortably inside the box her brother carries, Nezuko's abilities make her either intimidating and a challenge to fight or cute and adorable enough to squeeze.

Nezuko's normal, default height is right at 5 feet, or 153 centimeters. This makes her smaller than most of the other Demon Slayer characters in the series.

7 Nezuko’s Name Is Connected To Her Home

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (9)

The Kamado family lives in the snowy mountains at the start of the series. The name Nezuko has a deeper meaning and a strong connection to where her family is from. In Japanese, the partial translation of her name is actually a flower simply known as the snowball flower. Those flowers can be found in the winter, which is the season we mainly see during the series.

So her name is pretty much related to the snowy mountains where the Kamado family lives. Flower-based names are typical in Japan, but it’s perfect for this show to display where Nezuko came from.

6 Nezuko’s Demon Art Can Enhance A Sword

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (10)

Nezuko’s Demon Art allows her to use her blood, as grenades where she can explode them to her will that harm any demon. Her power can also be used to increase the strength of a Nichirin blade, which is later shown in the manga. We see her use her ability on Tanjiro’s sword turning it from black into red.

By doing this, it increases the energy of Tanjiro’s fire sword techniques. It helps Tanjiro whenever he’s in quite a bind against his foes. With both Nezuko’s power and Tanjiro’s sword skills, it’s apparent that these two are a powerful duo together.

5 Nezuko’s Demon Form Has A Berserk State

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (11)

Nezuko takes her demon transformation a step further when she goes into berserk mode. We see horns come out of her forehead and vine markings wrapped around her body. She is at her most powerful in this form but her demon side starts to take over and she would need human blood for nourishment.

The only person who can calm her down in this state is Tanjiro. He uses a lullaby that was sung to them by their mother to soothe her in order to revert Nezuko back to normal. Even if she’s stronger, it comes at a price for Nezuko, but luckily Tanjiro is there to pacify her in case she goes crazy with her demonic form.

4 Her Birthday Is December 28th

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (12)

Revealed on the official Japanese Demon Slayer Twitter page, Nezuko's birthday is December 28th, making her zodiac sign a Capricorn. Capricorns are Earth signs, ruled by the planet Saturn, and their symbol is the horned goat.

Capricorns are said to be ambitious, practical, and extremely disciplined— a personality trait that helps Nezuko keep in touch with her humanity and makes her refuse to hurt or devour human beings. Interestingly, her brother Tanjiro's zodiac sign is Cancer, her complete opposite. Despite this, the two signs are highly compatible.

3 Nezuko Is Revealed To Be A Day Walker

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (13)

Normal demons are like vampires where they can only roam in the night because the sunlight burns them to a crisp. Nezuko isn’t like other demons, which is how she was given the name "The Chosen Demon." The reason behind this is because unlike other demons, she can actually walk in the sunlight without getting burned.

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This also explains why Muzan is after her, he wants to devour her in order to gain the ability to walk in the daylight. Muzan has been looking for centuries of a demon that can conquer the sunlight. After Muzan discovers Nezuko’s ability, he decides to change his plans and pursue her for himself. He believes that by devouring her, Muzan can also be able to walk freely into the sunlight.

2 Nezuko Was 12-Years-Old When She Was Turned Into A Demon

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (14)

Only one year behind her brother Tanjiro, Nezuko was 12-years-old when she was turned into a demon, which makes her physically remain a pre-teen, as demon do not age.

While Nezuko slept and Tanjiro trained with Urokodaki at the beginning of the series, two years had passed, which means that, while Tanjiro would go on to turn 15, Nezuko became chronologically 14-years-old, though still technically a 12-year-old. Despite her young age, Nezuko is still a fierce demon and her incredible abilities make up for her youth.

1 Nezuko’s Family May Come From A Powerful Lineage

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (15)

What makes Nezuko so special from other demons could be the fact that her family comes from a long line of sword wielders who can master the Breathe of the Sun style. When Nezuko’s Demon Art charges up Tanjiro’s sword, it turns red just like the first Breathe of the Sun user many centuries ago. Breathe of the Sun is the original and the most powerful breathe style in Demon Slayer.

There are many clues in the story that would suggest that the Kamado family is direct descendants of the first Breathe of the Sun user. This would mean that the style has been passed down through generations of this family. Nezuko’s lineage may be the reason why her demonic transformation is different from other demons.

NEXT: Demon Slayer: 10 Most One-Sided Fights, Ranked

Demon Slayer: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nezuko Kamado (2024)


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