FFXV drabbles @shadowflame-117 - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Apr 11, 2017

I keep meaning to add this awesome character sheet of Kit I commissioned from @burningartwork last month. She did an awesome job and I’m super happy to see Kit finally come to life..you definitely need to check out her other work, it’s freaking awesome!https://www.tumblr.com/blog/burningartwork

#kit leonis#ffxv oc#character sheet#really wish i could draw#but i'll settle for writing


Apr 11, 2017


Okay so I know Gladio’s birthday was the 2nd, but MINE (and Kit’s heehee) is the 11th so I feel like it’s still within the time frame...This is honestly nothing more than a birthday present to myself...it has a bit of angst, smut, and then a touch more (happy) angst. Timeline wise this takes place a few months after Feels like the First Time. Also I recommend reading Don’t Fear the Reaper before this one, just for some Kit background that comes into play. Anyways, hope you enjoy!! (Picture is not mine...here’s a link to where I got ithttps://www.paintnite.com/events/bridge-under-the-cherry-blossoms-at-mimis-cafe-downey_1175735)

Kit smiled when she heard the knock on the door and hurried to answer it. Standing outside her door, in dark blue jeans and a crownsguard tank top, was Gladio. Her boyfriend. She still wasn’t quite used to that-they’d spent so many years antagonizing each other that it felt weird how…excited…she felt at the site of him. She smiled.


He smiled back, amber eyes warm as he drank her in. She’d worn a low cut light blue kimono top that accentuated the highlights in her hair as much as her curves, black cut off shorts and knee high black boots. Her waist length hair was down, though she had braided the sides and joined them together in the back to help keep the hair out of her face. From the way he was looking at her, Gladio approved.

“Hey. You ready?” His voice came out low and husky, making Kit chuckle.

“Down boy.” She stepped out of her apartment and closed the door, taking Gladio’s outstretched hand and following him to the elevator. “Where are we going anyway? And why wouldn’t you let me plan your birthday?” She looked at Gladio and gave an exaggerated pout. He bent down to kiss her, nipping gently at her protruding lower lip before pulling back.

“It’s a surprise, and because this is as much for your birthday as mine. I want something that’s just for the two of us before going to whatever our families and the guys have planned.”

Kit couldn’t help the bitter laugh that emerged at that. At Gladio’s curious glance she shrugged. “I guess you didn’t talk to Specs about past birthdays huh?”

“Actually I did. That’s what gave me this idea. And don’t count the Marshal out just yet, Kitten. Now come on, I want to make sure we have plenty of time before the madness really begins.”

Kit laughed and allowed him to blindfold her before he helped her up into the cab of his truck. A few moments later she felt the truck dip as he entered and cranked the engine.

“No peeking.” He said as he took her hand, threading his fingers through hers. She grinned.

“I promise.”

Kit had no idea where they were, but after what felt like twenty or so minutes, Gladio finally came to a stop and put the truck in park. He let go of her hand, only to grab it again when she went to remove the blindfold.

“Not yet.”

“But Gladio,” Kit turned her face to him so he could see her frown. “How am I supposed to walk?”

Gladio just chuckled in answer and got out. A few seconds later Kit heard her door open before feeling Gladio reach across to unbuckle her.


“Watch your head babe.” He warned before reaching in and lifting her out bridal style. She let out a small yelp in surprise and quickly put her arms around his neck to keep from falling.

“Gladio put me down. I can walk.”

“But I like carrying you, and this is quicker.” She felt him press his lips briefly to her forehead. Sighing, Kit lay her head against his shoulder, mumbling under her breath.

“This better be worth it, Amicitia.”

Gladio laughed. “See for yourself.” He set her down gently, hands going to rest on her waist as Kit removed the blindfold. And gasped.

“Gladio, this is…” her voice failed her as she looked around. All around them, as far as she could see, were cherry blossoms in full bloom. The air seemed to almost glow with the pale pink and white blossoms as they filtered the afternoon sun. Gladio took her hand and led her down a well-kept stone path; he was quiet as they walked, watching as she drank everything in. The path led to a small river with a gently arched wooden bridge. Gladio led her to the bridge and stopped, turning to face her.

“Gladio this is…this may the most beautiful spot in all of Eos. How is it not crowded with people?”

Gladio smiled. “It’s a private garden. My mother loved the outdoors, especially flowers and cherry blossoms, if you couldn’t tell by my and Iris’ names. So this,” he held his hands out as if to encompass the entire thing, “was my father’s wedding present to her. She loved it here, so much so that after she died, dad buried her here, a little farther down the path, instead of the family crypt. Dad’s too busy at the Citadel to ever visit, but I bring Iris down when I can. You’re the only one outside of the King and Amicitia household that even knows this place exists.”

Kit looked around her with a sudden understanding; he didn’t need to say why he’d brought her here. She knew he was the one who practically raised Iris while his father buried himself in work at the Citadel. But she also knew that both Gladio and Iris had a fairly close relationship with their father now. Knowing words were both easy to come by and to dismiss, he’d decided to show her that there was still hope for her and her father. She blinked back tears.

“I can see why your mom loved it here. It’s so peaceful.” She turned back to Gladio. “Thank you for bringing me here.” She put her hands around Gladio’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss, groaning when Gladio took over and deepened it, tongue seeking entrance which she gladly granted. After a few minutes they broke apart, chests heaving as they both tried to catch their breath. Gladio grinned at her, reaching into his pocket.

“I also bought you this. I know it’s a few days early, but happy birthday, Kitten.”

Kit took the box from him and opened it. Nestled inside was a gleaming silver chain with a tiger’s eye skull charm, polished smooth, the golden bands the exact shade of Gladio’s eyes. It was a piece Kit knew all too well, seeing as she had made it. She hadn’t wanted to give it up, but when Vulros said someone was willing to pay three times the asking price for it, she had reluctantly let it go.

“Gladio…” She looked up, ready to tell him, but so many years of hiding behind ‘Shadow,’ plus the hopeful look on Gladio’s face had her choking back the confession. “It’s gorgeous, but this piece must have cost a fortune.”

In fact, it was her biggest sale to date, and none of her pieces were considered cheap, though she made sure Vulros and his assisstants knew to give hunters, Crownsguard, and Kingsglaive steep discounts, along with anyone else who needed the protection her charms gave. She made a mental note to chew the old weaponsmith out for not telling her it was Gladio that wanted to buy her piece.

Gladio just shrugged, taking the chain out of the box. Kit turned and swept her hair to the side as Gladio placed it around her neck. It settled as a comforting weight a few inches above her breasts, the stone cool against her skin. Gladio smiled warmly when she turned back around.


Kit smiled back. “I have a gift for you as well. Since, you know, today is your birthday.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a box that looked very much like the one he’d given her. Gladio raised an eyebrow and Kit shrugged.

“Great minds think alike, apparently.” She handed him the box and he opened it to reveal a necklace of his own. The charm was a simple gold X, with several gold skulls interspersed along the full length of the sturdy leather cord. It was long enough that Gladio could just slip it over his head, and it hung down to his pecs. Kit had worried that she had made it too simple, but resting against his chest, the gold glittering against his black shirt, it looked…

“Perfect.” She grinned, mimicking Gladio’s earlier sentiment. “The skulls each have little boosts to strength and vitality, two things I figured you would need as the Shield. I had it made especially for you, so it’s one of a kind.”

Gladio grabbed her in a hug and spun her around, making her laugh. When he stopped, he kissed her before setting her down, keeping his arms around her.

“I love it Kitten. Thank you.” They stayed like for a few minutes, just enjoying the peace of the garden and being together. Eventually Gladio let her go and led her further along the winding path. The river wound along beside them, ending in a small waterfall by an elegant marble statue of a woman holding a bouquet of Iris and Gladiolus flowers. Gladio smiled up at it.

“Mom, this is Kit. She’s the one I’m always talking about. Kit, meet my mother Lily Amicitia.”

Kit smiled, bowing her head slightly in deference. Gladio looked very much like his father, all hard planes and solid muscle, but Kit could see Iris had had the great fortune of taking after her mother, who had clearly been a beautiful woman. Gladio turned to face her.

“My mother would have loved you, and probably would have kicked my ass for the way I treated you growing up. She was a force of nature, and dad used to say that the only two things he feared in life were his wife when she was angry and failing the King. In that order.”

Kit laughed. “I wish I could have met her. And just how long have you been talking to her about me?”

Gladio shrugged. “Since our first training session, or soon after.”

Kit stared at him, shocked, then shook her head. “You really did carry the torch for a long time, didn’t you?”

Gladio chuckled. “Always, Kitten. Now come on, Iris will be mad if we’re late for dinner.”

They walked through the garden, the air taking on a faint orange glow as the sun began to set. The cherry blossoms looked like they were filled with an inner fire, and Kit pulled out her phone to take a picture. Gladio took it from her, holding it out as he held her close, snapping a picture of them with the fire blossoms in the background before handing it back. Kit snapped a quick picture of the trees by themselves and then followed Gladio towards the Amicitia estate.

The next few hours passed by in a blur. They had supper with Iris and Clarus at the Amicitia home, with Iris easily keeping the conversation flowing between everyone. Kit had been surprised to learn that Gladio hadn’t told his father or sister they had started dating; something for which both of them had gotten onto him about. It had been so long since Kit had seen a real family dynamic, and she had to admit it was fun watching Gladio squirm. Eventually she decided to rescue him, reminding him that they still had to meet up with the boys.

They arrived at Noct’s apartment a little while later. The ‘party’ was a small affair with just Kit and the boys, with a bunch of fighting video games and food to occupy the next few hours. Gladio and Prompto became the ones to beat while they played, until Noct and Kit teamed up to take them down. Ignis, content to stay on the sidelines, watched to make sure no one cheated.

Once Noctis was crowned champion, they moved on to presents. Prompto asked Kit if she wanted hers as well, but Kit just shook her head and said she’d wait-she didn’t want to take away from it being Gladio’s day, no matter what the big guy said. Gladio just rolled his eyes and went to open the gifts sitting on the table.

Ignis’ gift to Gladio was a top of the line weapons cleaning kit. Gladio grinned as Prompto and Kit cracked jokes, each trying to outdo the other and see if they could get Ignis flustered. Gladio was the only one who wasn't surprised when Kit won. Noctis got him a couple of new shirts, smirking when Gladio raised an eyebrow at him.

“Apparently you’ve lost all your others, as often as you walk around without a shirt.”

Gladio laughed. “You’re just jealous you don’t have anything to show off. Besides, I’ve never heard Kit complain about my lack of shirt.” He winked at Kit and she just laughed.

“I’m a little bit biased where you’re concerned, big guy. Others might not appreciate it as much as I do…though some appreciate it more than they should be allowed to.” She grimaced at the thought of his little fan club that still followed him around like love-struck puppies.

Gladio laughed, pulling Kit close to kiss her forehead, and moved on to Prompto’s gifts. One of them was a set of really nice free weights. Kit had made an exaggerated groan and everyone just laughed. The other was a full sized picture of Kit that she’d posed for. She was in a three point crouch with her scythe held out in her right hand for balance. Her hair was loose, some of blowing out while a few strands covered her face, as if she’d just finished spinning. Kit grinned as Gladio stared at it in astonishment, before clapping Prompto on the back in thanks.

“You outdid yourself with this one Prompto. Thanks, man.”

Prompto grinned. “It was nothing, really. Kit made it almost too easy, to be honest.”

Kit smiled and winked. “If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s fighting. Making it look good is just a bonus.”

They hung out for a little longer, eating cake and just enjoying being together, but Gladio decided it was time to leave when Kit started dozing against him. The drive home was quiet, filled with a comfortable silence that neither felt the need to break. When they arrived at her apartment complex, Gladio got out and walked with her until they reached her door.

Kit smiled up at him as she pulled her keys out. “Wanna come in for a bit?”

Gladio nodded. “Sure.”

Kit unlocked the door and led Gladio inside, switching on the lights. The place hadn’t changed much in the almost two years since he’d last been inside, though seeing pictures of him and her scattered around was a new and very welcome addition. Kit turned to him.

“I have one more present for you, if you want it.”

Gladio raised an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Kit gave a sly smile and stepped closer, reaching up to pull his head down to hers. The second her lips touched his, he knew exactly what she had in mind. With a groan, he deepened the kiss, enjoying the taste of her before reluctantly pulling away.

“Are you sure, Kitten?”

Kit nodded, meeting his eyes so he could see she had no reservations. “I’m sure.”

Gladio claimed her mouth again, hands tangling in her hair as he backed her against a nearby wall. His hands roamed down to grip her by the hips as his lips trailed down her neck. Kit groaned as her hands fisted his shirt.


Gladio grinned against her skin, the sound of his name leaving her lips music to his ears. He lifted her by the waist and she quickly wrapped her legs around him, grinding herself against the growing bulge in his pants with a smug grin. Gladio nipped her lower lip in retribution.


Kit pointed down the nearby hallway, eyes hooded as she leaned down to kiss a trail down his neck. Gladio made his way down the hallway and quickly found her room. He didn’t take much time to look around as he set about unwrapping his last birthday gift.

He made quick work of her clothes, while she gladly divested him of his. He captured her lips in a rough kiss as he laid her on the bed, then began kissing his way down her body. She groaned, back arching off the bed. Gladio paused his exploration to look at her; drinking in this long desired site of her, eyes glazed and hooded in desire, chest rising and falling as she fought to catch her breath. Apparently he’d been staring for too long, cause she rose up on her elbows, desire turning to concern.


Gladio smiled, leaning forward to capture her lips with his own. When they broke apart, Kit raised an eyebrow at him.

“Sorry Kitten. You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of you, just like this. Just wanted to enjoy the moment.”

Kit chuckled. “Well hurry up and enjoy your moment so we can get back to enjoying it.”

Kit felt more than heard Gladio’s low chuckle as he bent his head, resuming where he’d left off, relishing every moan and restless shift as he brought her closer to her peak, every tug of his hair as she wordlessly urged him on. As much as he wanted to spend hours teasing her, he felt his own control begin to slip. He rose above her, brushing a damp strand of hair of Kit’s flushed face before kissing her.

“Ready Kitten?”

“Yes, Gladdy,” she panted. “Please.”

As he buried himself to the hilt they both groaned, and Gladio knew without a doubt this was the best birthday he would ever have. And then he set about making sure it was one neither of them would forget.

*Bonus (9 days later)*

Kit rolled out of bed with a groan when she heard a loud knocking on her apartment door.

“I’m coming, I’m coming… Someone had better be dying…” She grumbled as she navigated the darkened living room. It was her birthday, dammit, the one day a year she was supposed to be able to sleep in. She caught a glimpse of her sleep tousled reflection in the mirror and grimaced, but whoever it was could deal. She unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door only to freeze at the sight before her. A very nervous looking Cor stood holding a bouquet of flowers and a card.


Cor smiled, and for a moment, he was the man she remembered from childhood. “Happy Birthday Rayna.”

Kit smiled as her eyes teared up and threw her arms around his neck. Careful not to crush the flowers, Cor hugged her back tightly, fighting back tears of his own as he realized just how much time he’d lost with his little girl.

#gladiolus amicitia#gladiolus amicitia x oc#kit leonis#Happy birthday Gladio#Happy birthday Kit#final fantasy xv#ffxv fanfiction#ffxv#Kit Leonis oneshot


Apr 11, 2017

Don’t Fear the Reaper

This takes place 6 months after And then it all changed (I really need to learn how to make a masterlist so I can organize all this). Since Kit has a weapon unique to her, I decided it would be cool if she was the one to make it with a little help from an expert of course. The ending feels kinda meh (I had a better ending before my computer ate everything) but it is what it is I guess...


Kit spent every free moment for the past six months planning out her design, throwing away several rough drafts before she was finally satisfied. Plans in hand, she headed down to the royal smithy, where the kings and their chosen few had their weapons made. She smiled when she saw the Weaponsmith, waving the paper at him.

“I finally figured it out Vulros!”

Vulros wiped his hands on his apron and came over, smiling. “About time, girl. Let me see what you got and then we can get to work.”

Kit laid the plans on a nearby clean workbench. Vulros looked the design over and grinned. “You’re certainly ambitious, Ray. This is gonna be a lot more work than those trinkets you come down here to create.”

Kit blushed. No one outside of the smithy knew that Kit created some of the most sought after protection charms out there. Not just for their abilities and benefits, but because each one was its own little piece of artwork. She usually gave them to one of Vulros assistants when they were done and then collected the money once they were sold. Vulros didn’t understand her wanting to hide in the shadows, but he kept her secret nonetheless.

“I’m ready. And you know I’m more than willing to put in the hard work.”

Vulros grinned. “Let’s get to it then.”

Vulros led Kit over to the furnace, where several bars were sitting, ready to be melted. Each bar had been blessed by a priest of the six to bestow certain qualities. A few were blessed by light, while the others were blessed by the elements-fire, lightning, and ice. Kit carefully examined each bar, selecting the ones that she felt would be best for the blade itself. In the end she selected three bars of light and two of ice. Vulros nodded approvingly.

He made quick work of welding the ice bars to two of the light, the weld so flawless that they looked to be one solid piece of metal. “This will make a fine weapon, Kit. One daemons will come to fear.”

Kit grinned. “That’s the plan.”

Kit helped Vulros transfer the bars to the forge, watching as the first one was placed inside and slowly heated. She watched Vulros pull the softened metal out with tongs, placing it on the anvil before starting to flatten and shape it with his hammer, folding the metal several times to create strong layers that would withstand almost any punishment. After getting it to the correct dimensions, he started on the next piece, adding it to the first once it was in a similar state. When it came time to start on the third bar, he turned the tong and hammer over to Kit.

“Let’s see what you’re made of, shall we?”

Kit took the tools with a grin. One of the benefits of training with Gladio every day was that while lean, she was much stronger than she looked. Following the smith’s example, she hammered out the shape this piece would take. With Vulros’ help, she reheated the first two pieces and added hers. After that she set the whole thing in the furnace to normalize, allowing it to slowly heat before taking it out to cool. Once Vulros was satisfied that all the impurities and stresses had been removed, Kit quenched the blade under the smith’s careful watch.

When she removed it, Vulros took back over to temper the blade while Kit carefully observed. Once done, Vulros carefully engraved runes of protection, strength, and the ability to summon the blade through Prince Noctis’ power. After he was done, he passed the blade to Kit to polish and sharpen. Once the blade gleamed with an almost unearthly shine, they took a break to finally eat before beginning work on the staff. It was a long cherry wood that Vulros had somehow managed to reinforce with a steel center. It already had the slit that would allow the blade to lock in, so Kit set about carving her own runes into the wood and attaching various trinkets near the top for added effect. On the bottom she attached an ornate sharpened metal blade that Vulros brought her, usually reserved for lances.

“Thought it could use an added touch.” The smith grinned when he saw just how well it fit.

“It’s perfect.” Kit agreed. “Now for thepiece de resistance.”

She carefully added the blade to the staff, smiling at the wicked curve that arched over her head. Once secured, she swung it a few times to test out the balance, before making the grip out of soft leather. She wrapped it just below the middle where the balance felt perfect, then treated it so that it became a part of the wood. It was late into the night when she finally declared her new weapon done. Vulros gave a low whistle as he examined the finished scythe, casting eerie reflections from the still faintly glowing coals of the furnace.

“I’ve never seen its like crafted before, Kit, but it suits you.”

Kit grinned. “I’m calling her Satsuriku, since she is both beautiful and deadly.”

“Just like its wielder.” A cultured voice Kit knew all too well came from behind her. She turned and grinned at Ignis as he came closer. “So this is where you’ve been hiding all day. Vulros, pleasure to see you.”

“You as well, Mr. Scientia.” Vulros said with a small bow of his head. Kit bit back a laugh of hearing a man twice their age call Ignis mister, but with his demeanor Kit wasn’t all that surprised that it actually fit him. Poor Ignis had so many responsibilities that it would crush a normal fifteen year old; even Kit wasn’t sure she could cope with his demanding schedule.

“Were you looking for me for any particular reason, Specs?”

“Noctis has been trying to get ahold of you for a few hours, now. He figured you were busy, but when you missed your sparring session…”

Kit glanced at her phone, seeing just how late it was, as well as several texts and missed calls from the prince. She winced.

“Crap, I didn’t realize it was that late already. I’ll shoot him a message to let him know I’m alright.”

Ignis nodded, looking at the completed scythe in her hand. His eyes widened slightly as he recognized the craftsmanship of the charms she’d attached to it.

“Those are genuine Shadow pieces. Those must have cost you a fortune.”

Kit blushed and shrugged slightly. “They’re not that expensive when you’re the one to make them.”

Ignis stared at her, mouth slightly open in shock. “You’re Shadow?”

“Yeah. But you’re not allowed to tell anyone. Not even Noct. Promise me, Iggy, please.”

Ignis looked at Vulros, who just shrugged, having long ago given up trying to convince her. He looked at Kit again and nodded.

“I don’t understand why you would hide this, but I swear I will never tell a soul.”

Kit smiled. “Thank you, Iggy. Now, how about we head to the training room and show this baby off?” Ignis smiled and Kit turned to wave at Vulros. “See you next week, ‘Ros!”

The big man waved back as he watched the two teenagers leave the smithy, talking about weapons of war the way most teenagers talked about the latest movie they saw. He shook his head as he got back to work.

#kit leonis#Kit Leonis oneshot#ignis scientia#ffxv fanfiction#final fantasy xv#final fantasy xv oc#Dont know why I love using songs as my titles


Apr 10, 2017

Summertime Sadness

So this is what happens when I listen to sad music... Kit and Ignis and their brief fling together when they were 17.

It started with a kiss.

Kit had had a crush on Ignis ever since she’d first noticed boys in that way, but she’d always just chalked it up to their spending so much time together, and had kept it to herself. But after a particularly bad day where everything that could have gone wrong had, Ignis had come over and cooked her favorite meal, giving her a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. When the worst had passed, she’d gone to kiss Iggy on the cheek in silent thanks for always being there, but he’d turned his head, about to ask her something, so she’d kissed his lips instead. When she would have pulled back in embarrassment, Ignis had pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. At 17, neither of them had had any experience in making out, but they were both more than willing to practice.

The spring was a time of firsts. He called her his angel, because she had saved him so many times, in so many ways, since coming into his life. They spent every moment they could together, and soon that first kiss led to firsts of a more heated nature. As cautious exploration turned into heated passion, so to did the cool days of spring also bleed into the blistering heat of summer.

With summer came excuses. Not at first, but with Noctis out of school, Ignis’ workload tripled. Kit was busier as well, as her training intensified in preparation of her joining the crownsguard next spring. So when one made an excuse, the other accepted with grace and a “maybe next time.” They would still try to spend together, even if it was just lying in bed next to each other as the craziness of the day took its toll on them both.

But soon it was just Ignis that had to cancel, or leave in the middle of a date. Kit would smile, kiss him goodbye and send him on his way, but Ignis knew her to well. He saw the pain that would flash in her eyes, and hated that he was the cause. But despite the pain, she waited for him, determined to fight for the future she knew they could have.

Ignis hadn’t meant to ignore her. But he had been so busy that week, leaving work well after midnight and collapsing into his bed, just to wake up a few hours later to do it all again. It was easy to tell himself he’d reach out later, or do something to make it up to her, before focusing on his current task and putting her out of his mind for the moment. She’d texted once, jokingly reminding him to eat since he’d been missing their lunches together, but when he didn’t hear from her again, he figured she was just as busy as he was. He was going over the latest reports with a very bored Noctis, when the prince alerted him to just how wrong he was.

“Kit seems…off lately, have you noticed?”

Ignis looked up sharply. “What do you mean?”

Noct shrugged, not sure how to describe it. “Distracted I guess? She seemed pretty upset when she checked her phone at one point, and during training today Gladio managed to pin her to the mat twice, and it’s been years since he’s done that. He chewed into her pretty good and she just stormed off, didn’t even argue back.”

Ignis frowned. “I have tomorrow off. I’ll see if I can find out what’s bothering her.” But he had a feeling he already knew.

Kit had smiled when he’d shown up on her door unannounced, and seeing her made Ignis realize just how much he’d missed her. But something felt off, and Ignis realized she was holding herself back, as if bracing for when he would inevitably rush off. It hurt, but he couldn’t blame her. As much as he wanted to tell her it would be better soon, he refused to make a promise he couldn’t keep. Noct and the kingdom would always have to come first, and it wasn’t fair to her. She deserved better. Swallowing past the sudden tightness in his throat, he sat on the couch next to Kit.

“Ray, can we talk?”

Kit smiled, but it was strained, revealing her nerves and apprehension. “Of course, Iggy. What’s up?”

Ignis sighed. “You probably hate me by now, with how I’ve been distant lately.”

Kit laughed. “Iggy I could never hate you. I know Noct is your top priority, and I’m fine with it. Truly. I’m willing to-“

“But I’m not.” Ignis interrupted. Kit snapped her mouth shut and closed her eyes as Ignis continued. “It’s not fair. To either of us. I’m sorry, my angel. I love you, truly. Our time together…I felt free, for the first time in my life. And as much as I want to be selfish and beg you to wait, I refuse to make you put your life on hold for me.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. She didn’t open her eyes. “I don’t want to cause you any more pain than I already have. One day you’ll meet someone who will make you the center of their world-responsibilities be damned-but I can’t, as badly as I wish otherwise.” He took a breath, and his next sentence was barely above a whisper. “Maybe in another few years that could have been us, but the timing was off.”

Ignis rose, kissing Kit’s forehead gently as she sat frozen. “I hope in time…I hope we can still remain friends. But I will understand if you decide otherwise.” He turned and walked away, his heart shattering into thousands of pieces with every step away from Kit he took.

Kit wasn’t sure how long she sat on the couch after Ignis left, but suddenly being in the apartment was just too much. She grabbed her keys and drove to the Citadel, determined to distract herself from the pain. She had just finished warming up when Gladio approached her. Knowing he was probably about to give her hell for the other day, she held up a hand.

“Leave me alone, Gladio. I’m not in the mood. Whatever it is can wait til our next session.”

Gladio raised an eyebrow. “Bad breakup?”

Kit laughed bitterly. “You’d actually have to date before you can break up. No this was ending a fling just as it was turning into…” Kit grit her teeth, refusing to shed a single tear. Gladio was silent for a moment as he watched her struggle with herself.

“Grab your scythe and get in the ring.”

Kit glared at Gladio. “I don’t need your pity, Amicitia.” Her voice was as sharp as the scythe she wielded, and was intended to cut him just as deep. Gladio just gave a slightly feral grin in response.

“This isn’t pity, Kitten. Now get your ass in the ring.”

Figuring that beating on Gladio was just as good as a training dummy, Kit finally nodded. She summoned her scythe as Gladio called on his greatsword, and they began to circle each other.

“When you get a squad of your own, they’ll want to know that you can keep a level head no matter what life throws at you. They don’t want a leader who will collapse at the first sign of trouble and get them all killed. So swallow the pain, or use it to help fuel you as you accomplish your objective.” Gladio grinned again. “You won’t like what I have in store if I put you on the mat again.”

Kit just nodded, harnessing her grief and pain the same way she had learned to harness her anger so long ago. She focused it all on Gladio, landing blow after blow and putting him immediately on the defensive. She was a force of nature as they sparred, and while Gladio gave it his all, he didn’t come anywhere near landing a blow, or pinning her. He finally called a halt when they were both covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and he saw the faint muscle tremors from exhaustion Kit was trying to hide. Without a word, Kit dismissed her scythe and started to leave the training room, freezing for only the briefest moment when Ignis walked in, before pushing past him.

Gladio watched Kit leave, hands fisted in frustration and anger, though none of that was directed at her. He knew she was still hurting badly, but he knew channeling some of that pain into her attacks had definitely helped-though she might not think so at the moment. He watched as Ignis came up to him, nodding in greeting.

“Is she alright?” Ignis asked quietly. Gladio shook his head.

“Not yet, but she will be. And if I ever find out who caused her this much pain, I swear I’ll punch them so hard they won’t remember their own name, I don’t care who it is.”

Ignis gave a sardonic laugh. “Trust me Gladio, when I say they’re in enough pain as it is, giving up someone like her. Physical pain would just be a blessing, a way to drown out the hurt they caused themselves and her.” Ignis was quiet a moment as he looked over at Gladio, who was eyeing him skeptically. Part of him hoped Gladio realized he was talking about himself, but another part was curious at the big man’s reaction. “And since when do you care about Kit’s…wellbeing?”

Gladio grimaced, but finally shrugged and let out a little sigh. “From day one. She was so timid, but there was this…spark…in her, and when it finally ignited, it was an inferno. I saw the real her, the one not plagued by doubt, and I was lost…”

Ignis started at him in confusion. “Then why rile her up and provoke her at every opportunity? If that was your way of winning her over, you failed miserably.”

Gladio gave a self-depreciating laugh. “Because she forgets to be timid, or lost, when she’s angry. Even as upset as she was, I watched her harness what she needed to fight and shove the rest away as easy as breathing. And she was spectacular. So yeah, I would rather her hate me and stay alive, and be able to take on all comers, than to be my friend, or more, and die because she hesitated at the wrong moment.”

Both men were silent for a moment, until finally Gladio turned to face his friend. “And don’t you dare breathe a word of this to her or the others, Specs. I mean it.”

Ignis chuckled mirthlessly. “She won’t hear a word about it from me, I assure you. I doubt she’d even believe me if I did say something.” He cast a look over at Gladio. “You’ve done quite a good job of… keeping her alive.”

Gladio sighed. “Don’t I know it?”

When they were done sparring, Ignis checked his phone as Gladio headed to the locker room. There was one message.

I still want to be friends. But that’s all we can ever be. I can’t go through this pain again. I just...need time to get over you first.

Ignis closed his eyes as both relief and pain ripped through him.

I understand. Just let me know when you’re ready.

He hadn’t lost her, not completely. But he knew, without a doubt, he would never be over her. He’d never known just how much he could love someone, until he had to let her go.

#Ignis Stupeo Scientia#ignis scientia#ignis scientia x oc#ffxv angst#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#ff15#ffxv#ffxv fanfiction#kit leonis#Kit Leonis oneshot


Apr 4, 2017

Cruelest April Fools Ever

So depressed...my computer played an awful April Fools joke on me and deleted all my word files, pictures, and music...thousands of random pictures and songs just gone, but even worse...all my fanfics, stories I never posted anywhere that were just works in progress...all gone, never to be seen again... My birthday is in a week and everyone keeps asking me what I want...all I want is my hard work, my stories and headcannons and little pieces of my soul to come back. The sheer magnitude of everything I lost has left me numb, I’ve been trying to write but it just reminds me of all I lost... I’ll be over in the corner curled into a ball if anyone needs me...

#life is cruel#so many tears#I need a hug from Gladio#Trying to move on


Feb 28, 2017

some of my favorite Prompto battle shots (especially the Iggy flying...)

#ffxv#ff15#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#ignis scientia#ifrit#behemoth#behemoth king


Feb 28, 2017

Battle shots are Prompto, everything else is me...someone take this camera feature away from me...

#gladiolus amicitia#ignis scientia#chocobros#ffxv#ff15#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#take this camera away from me for the love of the six#older gladio#older ignis


Feb 23, 2017

Ask away

I think I'd like to try my hand at doing more reader inserts, and maybe even try some headcannons and the like (I've played the game 5 times in a row now...hopefully I have their personalities down lol) so if anyone has anything they'd like me to write about, shoot me an idea ^_^ Just as a side note, most of my stuff will be either gender neutral or f!m! Since that's what I know best to write...

#ffxv fanfiction#ffxv writing#ffxv#ask#chocobros#gladiolus amicitia x reader#gladiolus amicitia#gladio#ignis scientia x reader#ignis stupeo scientia#ignis#prompto argentum#noctis lucis caelum#final fantasy xv


Feb 20, 2017

Chicks Dig A Guy with Scars

Alright so I know in the guide it says Gladio gets his scar protecting Noct from a drunk about 2 years before the trip, but you never see it in brotherhood or anything, which makes me a bit sad (always thirsty for more protective Gladio ;) ) So spent the weekend working on my version of how it goes down. GladioxKit as per usual :D Also since I have no idea what the day to day life of a crownsguard is, I tend to think of them as a type of royal police force...

Kit stood and stretched, grimacing as her back popped. Her day had been spent pouring over reports from her squad, making sure every pending case they had was air tight. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she’d missed lunch again; she was never going to hear the end of it from Ignis and Gladio when they found out.

Grateful that it was Friday, Kit started clearing away her desk in preparation for a weekend off. She was putting away the completed files when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, tugging her against a large, firm chest. She giggled, a sound her squad would have thought her impossible of making, and looked up into the warm amber eyes of her boyfriend, who was smiling at her.

“Hey, babe.”

“Hey, yourself.”

Gladio placed a brief, chaste, kiss on her lips before finally letting her go and stepping back to give her some room. She placed the file she was holding in the drawer it belonged in then turned to face him, leaning against her desk. He looked like he was just getting off duty himself, wearing his black slacks, a black, sinfully skintight, shirt and an open white button up shirt over top of it.

“Got any plans for tonight?” Gladio asked, absently running his hand through his hair. The sides were shaved, but he was letting the top and back grow out. She’d picked on him about it at first, asking if he was going to grow it out as long as hers, but had quickly grown used to it and even found it super attractive. Plus it was nice tangling her fingers in it when they kissed. Kit smiled and shook her head.

“Nothing to pressing, why?

“Noct and Prompto want to go hang for a bit in the city, wanted to know if you wanted to come.” Since he didn’t mention Ignis, she figured he got stuck in some meeting or other. She was so glad she was a soldier and not an adviser.

“Hmm…spending time with three of my four favorite people? I think I can manage that.” She came up to him and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

“I was hoping you’d say that. Shall we then?”


Gladio and Kit met up with Noct and Prompto outside of Prompto’s place. The sun was low in the sky; a sunset of golds and reds painting the city in a warm glow on the warm July night. Kit hugged both of them, ruffling Prompto’s hair and laughing when he shoved her hand away.


“Gods I feel like I haven’t seen either of you in forever.”

“That’s cause Gladio keeps stealing you away all to himself.” Prompto said with a grin and a wink as he fixed his hair. Gladio laughed in response, kissing the top of Kit’s head, clearly not at all sorry.

“Glad you could come tonight.” Noct grinned, falling into step as the friends made their way through the city streets to their usual hangout a few blocks away. All four of them ignored the occasional curious looks from others when they recognized Kit’s uniform as that of a Crownsguard.

“So you two ready to be seniors?”

Noct shrugged and not for the first time, Kit felt a pang of sadness for the happy go lucky boy he had been before his accident. But as usual, Prompto took up his friends slack with a huge grin.

“We are so ready. One more year, and then we’re done with school. Woohoo!”

Kit chuckled. “What about college?”

Prompto shrugged. “You guys didn’t go and you’re doing fine.”

“We’re soldiers, Prompto. Our paths were laid out for the both of us before we were even born.” Gladio replied, his tone dry. Prompto considered that for a moment, then pulled out his ever-present camera, snapping a quick shot of a smiling Kit.

“I’ll just become a photographer…work at the paper or do weddings or something.”

Gladio just scoffed and shook his head. Kit elbowed him in the side hard enough to make him wince. “I think you’ll make a great photographer, Prompto. Besides, you could finally cash in on putting up with His Grumpiness for so long.”

Noct glared at her, but there was small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “I wouldn’t have been so grumpy towards you that day if you hadn’t shown up at my door at an ungodly hour.”

“It was nine o’clock in the morning.”

“Like I said. Ungodly hour.”

Prompto burst out laughing as Kit and Gladio just shook their heads. They lapsed into companionable silence as they closed the distance to their destination, the Brightstar Arcade. Kit turned to her companions, a wolfish grin on her face as Gladio held the door open for them.

“Alright boys, who’s ready to go down?”


The sun had been down for a few hours when the four friends emerged from the arcade. A few street performers had set up shop as crowds enjoyed the late summer night, window shopping, bar hopping, or just listening to the music that spilled over the streets.

“I told you guys not to fall for her tricks.” Gladio rumbled as Prompto and Noct complained about Kit fleecing them. Kit laughed.

“Aww don’t be that way guys. How about this, dinner on me tonight…well, on me with your money.” She grinned. Noct turned with a glare, about to tell just what she could do with her dinner, when a man who had clearly had a bit too much to drink stumbled into Noct.

“Hey, watch it!” Noct grit out as he tried to hold up the much larger man. The man pulled himself off the Prince and frowned, poking his finger at Noct’s chest. Kit and Gladio immediately went on guard, ready for anything. Noct took a step back and the man wavered, scowling.

“You have the nerve to walk into me and then tell me to watch it? You stupid punk…”

Gladio reacted before anyone even saw the knife in the man’s hand, shoving Noct at Kit as the man lashed out drunkenly. The blade came down just as Gladio was turning back to face the drunk, cutting him on the left side of his face vertically from brow to cheek, just barely missing hitting his eye.Face bleeding profusely, Gladio just glared at the drunk, standing between him and his three friends, waiting to see if the man would try to attack again. The drunk blanched slightly and took an involuntary step back when faced with a man even larger than him, who could take a knife to the face and barely even flinch. The street was dead silent as everyone nearby watched.

Kit grimaced as she stood protectively in front of Noct and Prompto, watching as Gladio’s white shirt slowly turned red on the left side. Gladio was the King’s Shield, so he was the one in charge when Noct was in danger, but she wished he would do something, though she figured he was keeping silent because he didn’t want to get any more blood than necessary in his mouth.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw three officers making their way over to see what the commotion was. When they saw the scene before them, they sprinted to close the distance. Kit sneered at the drunk, her voice as cold as the ice goddess Shiva.

“I’m going to put your actions up to you being a drunk dumbass, and not as a man in his right mind attacking our Prince and his friends. For that you can spend the night in jail and sober up, instead of lying here bleeding out on the street.”

“P-prince?...” The drunk focused on Noct, or tried to anyways, and looked like he was about to pass out, knife falling out of suddenly numb fingers. The officers finally arrived on scene and suddenly everyone who had been watching seemed to have somewhere more important to be. Seeing Kit was Crownsguard, they made quick work of arresting the drunk and getting the friends statements.

“Sir would you like us to call for a medic?” One of the officers asked Gladio, whose face was still bleeding pretty heavy. Gladio, keeping his left eye closed, spit blood to the side.

“I’ll be fine, thanks.”

Like hell, Kit thought with a grimace. The officer didn’t seem to believe him any more than she did when he met her gaze. “I’ll get him taken care of after we get his Highness home safe. Thank you, officers.”

The officer who’d spoken nodded at Kit before bowing low to Noct. “Your highness. We apologize for not arriving sooner to keep things from escalating.”

Noct, clearly uncomfortable with the attention and still a bit shaken from seeing Gladio take a knife to the face, just nodded. The mood the rest of the way back to Prompto’s was somber, though Kit would have chuckled at the way Prompto stared at Gladio in awe as he ignored his wound if she wasn’t so annoyed at the big man.

“I had fun tonight, drunk asshole aside.” Kit said to Noct as she hugged him once they’d gotten back. “We gotta hang out more often.”

Noct cracked a small smile. “You’re almost as bad a workaholic as Ignis, but you know where we’ll be if you get free.”

“Yeah, I gotta try to get my money back.” Prompto said as he hugged Kit.

“That’ll never happen, but you’re always welcome to try.” She smiled at the blonde and then turned back to Noct. “Are you staying here tonight?”


“Alright. You two stay safe, and call if you need us.” Kit turned to Gladio, putting as much command in her voice as possible. “You. March.”

Gladio chuckled as Kit stalked after him to his truck, making him sit in the passenger side while she drove to her place. The doorman paled at Gladio’s bloody appearance, quickly letting them in. Once they were safely in Kit’s apartment, Gladio went to sit at the kitchen table, stripping off his bloody shirts while Kit grabbed her first aid kit and some damp rags she knew she wouldn’t mind throwing away. She set the kit on the table, using one of the rags to wipe the blood off Gladio’s face before grabbing another to clean the still seeping cut. Gladio closed his eyes as she worked, her feather light touches distracting him from his pain.

“I ought to kick your ass for that stunt, Gladiolus.” Kit said quietly. Gladio opened up his right eye, giving her a small frown.

“I’m the king’s shield. Far better for me to take a blow than Noct, and I wasn’t about to hurt a drunk who will probably have no recollection of the incident tomorrow.”

Kit slapped his bare chest. “I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about you turning down a medic, then walking fifteen blocks with your face slashed open and bleeding.” She took several butterfly clasps and started applying them to the cut. It was deep, but she didn’t think it needed stitches. “Now your pretty face is all ruined and none of those Citadel girls will want you anymore.”

Gladio grinned at her, ignoring the slight pain it caused. “Aww, come on Kitten. I’ve always heard chicks dig guys with scars.”

Kit gave a quiet chuckle as she applied the last clasp. “You better thank your lucky stars this one does.”

She leaned in and kissed him, ignoring the slight coppery taste of his lips, grateful the damage hadn’t been as bad as it could have been.

“Now, go hop in the shower and I’ll get rid of those bloody rags you used to call a uniform. I think I still have one or two of your shirts lying around here somewhere-” She gave a small shriek of laughter when Gladio stood up suddenly, lifting her in his arms at the same time. He smiled wickedly down at her, heading in the direction of her bedroom.

“What are you doing, you big oaf?”

“Taking a shower like you said. But I’m injured so I think you may need to keep a close eye on me. Don’t want to pass out in the shower and make it worse.” He winked. “In fact I think you may need to keep a close eye on me all weekend, just to be safe.”

Kit laughed again but didn’t protest as she was carried into the bathroom.

#gladiolus amicitia#gladio#Gladio gets his first scar#gladiolus amicitia x oc#noctis lucis caelum#prompto argentum#ffxv#ff15#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#ffxv fanfiction#ffxv writings


Feb 15, 2017

Until the Stars Evaporate

Kit and Gladio’s first Valentines together as a couple. Lot’s of fluff (sorry so long, don’t know how to put things under a link yet :( )

Kit woke up just as dawn’s light kissed the deep indigo sky, frowning when she saw Gladio’s spot empty. In his place was a large teddy bear wearing a leather jacket, holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers-gladiolus. She’d never told him what her favorites were because she knew he would tease her mercilessly, so either he’d had a lucky guess or…

“I’m going to kill Ignis.” She muttered, though she took the flowers from the bear with a smile, bringing them up to her face to smell them. She stood and made her way out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. She grabbed a vase and filled it with water. When she went to go put the flowers on the kitchen table, she saw a box of her favorite chocolates and a note. She set the vase down and picked up the paper, opening it see Gladio’s elegant script.

Happy Valentine’s Kitten. Meet me in the garage when you get dressed.

Kit set the note down and hurried back to the bedroom to shower and dress. Since it was February she picked her black jeans and pink and white sweater that made her feel feminine and soft, something she wasn’t used to if she was honest with herself. She grabbed her leather jacket as she walked out and took the elevator down to the garage level.

Gladio was leaning against his motorcycle, a giant black beast with amber and violet accents like that of a phoenix, as he waited for her. He grinned when he saw her, letting out a low wolf whistle. Kit smiled and winked as she quickly closed the distance, leaning up as he bent down to kiss her. When they broke apart, Gladio handed her a helmet and got on his bike. She raised an eyebrow.

“Where are we headed?”

“Someplace special. Now hop on.”

Kit laughed and got on behind him, hugging him tight as the bike roared to life. The day was warm, but the breeze still held a bite of winter to it, but between Gladio and her jacket Kit was far from cold. She watched the city pass in a blur and soon they were outside of the city. She’d been out camping with Gladio a few times, but she was still taken aback by the vastness of the world outside of Insomnia. After another half hour of driving, Gladio pulled into a parking area near some woods.

“It’s still a bit of a hike from here.” Gladio said as he set their helmets on the bike, grabbing a large backpack from a under the seat and slinging it over his shoulder. Kit slipped her hand in his and followed as they made their way up a nearby dirt path. They walked in companionable silence for a bit, but Gladio’s familiarity with the area soon had Kit curious.

“How often do you come this way?”

Gladio gave a nonchalant shrug. “Dad would take us camping around here every summer, and when he got to busy with work, I’d bring Iris. You’re the first girl, other than her, I’ve ever brought up here.”

“Oh.” Kit felt a rush of pleasure at that. Gladio chuckled and helped her over a fallen log by just picking her and setting her on the other side. Kit shook her head, smiling. “Showoff.”

Gladio winked. “Almost there.”

After a few more minutes of walking Kit could hear the sound of water nearby. She followed Gladio up a small but steep incline, only to gasp at the sight before her. There was a tall cliff wall about 200 ft in front of them, with a gorgeous waterfall that cascaded down in several layers over the rockface into a lake of clear blue water. The lake fed into a stream that had several little waterfalls of its own, and ran past a little area that was already set up for a picnic.

Gladio set his bag down and began pulling out various carefully wrapped containers, setting them on the blanket that had been laid out and weighted with rocks to keep it in place. Kit just stared in wonder, leaning into Gladio when he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Gladio this place is breathtaking…”

Gladio hummed his agreement as he placed a kiss on her neck before breathing in her ear. “Not nearly as breathtaking as you.” He laughed quietly when Kit blushed and ducked her head slightly. “Come on, I had Iggy make your favorites.”

Kit turned to face him. “Gladio…”

“It’s his gift to you. Now come eat.”

Kit followed Gladio over to the blanket and sat, staring at all the goodies Ignis had made. There were little two serving sizes of her favorite lasagna and roasted lamb on rice as the main course, and for dessert… She laughed when she spied the small heart shaped apple pies.

“I’ll have to give my compliments to the chef next time I see him. This all looks amazing.” She shot Gladio a look, eyes glittering mischievously. “Should have known he’d try to bribe me after spilling all of my secrets to you.”

Gladio laughed. “He only did it after I swore I wouldn't make fun of you, if that makes you feel any better.”

After they ate, Kit helped Gladio clean up and then they spent the day hiking and taking pictures. Before they headed back to the bike, Gladio took her back to the waterfall.

“I have one more present for you.” He held out a small box. Kit took it cautiously and opened it, smiling at what lay inside. It was a ring made of white gold, with two gladiolus flowers side by side. One was made of a deep amber the color of Gladio’s eyes while the other was made of black opal, with little starbursts of orange, blue and green inside of each petal. Gladio took it out of the box and put it on her finger.

“I’ve loved you a long time, Kit. Probably since our first sparring match. I just want you to know I’ve always been yours, wrapped around your finger just as securely as this ring.” He paused. “And just so you know, I got the ring made before I knew about the flower being your favorite. It was supposed to be a play on my name.” Gladio smiled.

“Gladio…I…” She shook her head to try to clear it, blinking back tears as she flung her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “Thank you, baby. I love it. I love you.” She pulled back just enough to kiss him, long and slow. When they broke apart, she put her head on his chest. “Thank you for waiting.”

Gladio rested his head on hers gently, but she heard the smile in his voice. “I’d wait for you till the stars evaporate, baby girl. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

#gladiolus amicitia#gladiolus amicitia x oc#valentines#ffxv#ffxv x oc#ff15#ffxv writings#ffxv fanfiction#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#ffxv valentines#ffxv fluff


Feb 13, 2017

Was bored last night so took some pics of my boys... I really shouldn't be allowed to use Prompto’s camera lol...I just can't handle the responsibility...

#gladiolus amicitia#gladio#ignis#ignis stupeo scientia#prompto argentum#I can't handle the responsibility#ffxv#ff15#chocobros#final fantasy xv#thirsty


Feb 11, 2017

And Then it All Changed

Angsty story that takes place when Kit is 14. this is what happens when you’re feeling depressed and listening to sad music. I’d had every intention of writing some Gladio/Kit fluff...oops....

Snow swirled slowly through the air as a bitter wind cut through all of Kit’s layers. It was fitting, since she felt frozen inside, standing next to her father as the pallbearers carried the simple black and silver coffin into the Leonis family crypt. Kit had grown up knowing it could happen to either one of them, but she still blamed her for leaving.

Kit watched in the mirror as her mother braided her hair in the morning, blue-black hair down to the middle of her back. Kit knew she kept it long for her father, who always seemed to run his hands through it whenever they were both home together.

“Mommy what do you do?”

Alaria Leonis turned to look at six year old Kit. “Well, Ray-Ray, mommy fights daemons so that those who don’t live in the city can be safe. I’m what’s called a hunter.” She showed Kit the dog tags she wore, watching as her little girl traced her small fingers over her engraved name.

“Its dangerous work, baby girl, but I want you to know I will always do my best to come home to you and daddy. I plan on living until I’m old and gray.” When Kit looked at her with eyes to serious for her little face, Alaria placed a small kiss on her cheek. “I will never leave you, baby girl. I swear.”

Snow painted an endless changing galaxy on her black dress as she placed a white rose on the coffin. She should be crying, but the cold had seeped in to deep. She couldn’t cry, even though inside she was screaming.

“Mom, I don’t think you should go.”

“Don’t be silly Rayna. I’ve a responsibility to those who can’t protect themselves. One day it will be a responsibility that you have as well.”

“I know mom, but…” She hesitated, unsure how to express the dread she was feeling. “Please, just don’t go. Just this one time…”

Alaria smiled and kissed her daughter on the top of the head. “I’ll be back in a few days, I promise. And then you can tell me all about that boy you like.”

She’d grabbed her bag and walked out. Kit had wept though she had no idea why.

The wind howled through the open mausoleum door as the coffin slid into its resting place far too easily. It was a spot that shouldn’t have been filled for many years yet. A spot that she had promised would not be filled until her black hair had turned silver and she’d had a life well lived.

Kit and Noctis were sitting at their usual table eating lunch; the only time they really got to hang out together since Kit was in the eighth grade and Noct was in sixth. Noct was complaining about his math teacher when he stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide.

“Your dad is here, Kit.” He whispered. Kit turned to look and just knew something was wrong. She stood slowly and went over to him. She froze a few feet away when she saw what he held in his hands. She shook her head.

“No. Daddy, please. No, no, no, no…” Tears streamed unchecked down her face. When Cor took a step towards his daughter she stepped back, only to stumble into Noct who’d come up to stand behind her. He caught her and held her hand in silent support, even though he wasn’t sure what was going on. No one noticed just how quiet the cafeteria had gotten.

Cor knelt in front of his daughter, placing the tags around her head. “She would want you to have these. I’m sorry Kit…” Cor trailed off, voice hoarse from suppressed emotion.

“Mom…” Kit let go of Noct’s hand to throw her arms around her father’s neck. Noct watched helplessly as his friend fell apart in front of him. She sobbed as Cor lifted her in his arms with ease. He nodded at Noct in silent thanks before taking Kit out of school for the next few days.

Kit clutched the dog tags around her neck. She hadn’t taken them off since her father had placed them around her neck. The cold metal bit into her skin as the tomb was sealed with a hollow clang. People spoke of her bravery and her selflessness, but Kit heard none of it. She only heard her voice, making a promise she’d had no right to make.

“I will never leave you baby girl, I swear.”

But she’d lied.

#final fantasy xv#ffxv x oc#ffxv writings#ffxv angst#noctis lucis caelum#cor leonis#ff15#ffxv fanfiction


Feb 7, 2017

Happy Birthday Ignis!

#ignis stupeo scientia#ignis#ignis scentia#ignis scientia#ignis scientia birthday#happy birthday ignis#happy birthday iggy


Feb 7, 2017


hi. Not an ask-I just wanted to say that I love your writings-your actually the reason I finally made an account and post my own works...(something my friends have been bugging me to do for years btw). I was just wondering if you had ever posted the Iggy/Gladio side of the s/o being held captive? Still working on how to navigate Tumblr so wasn't sure if I missed it or you just haven't gotten around to it...but either way, thanks for all you do and can't wait to see what you come up with next!

asdfghj THANK YOU. OmgAh yes. yes I have. You should be able to find it tagged somewhere on my blog but if you bear with me I may be able to dig it up for you. It’s there! I promise.


I found it! Totally (heartbreakingly since they’re my two faves) worth it! I’ll hopefully get this tumblr thing down eventually :)



Feb 7, 2017

Happy Birthday Ignis!

Alright, a short(ish) one shot of Kit and the boys celebrating Ignis’ birthday. Takes place about 6 months after Ballroom Blitz, with Ignis turning 20. Also I’m supposed to list my brother as co-author for this one for helping me iron out the Gladio/Kit text conversations. Hope you enjoy!

Kit woke early in the morning, shooting texts to Noctis and Prompto-both of which were probably still asleep, if she knew them.

Noct, don’t forget to keep Iggy occupied today. And don’t say a word to him!

Prompto grab the decorations and meet me at Iggy’s as soon as you can.

After a moment, she messaged Gladio as well. She was pretty sure he was already awake, a theory that was confirmed when he replied back almost immediately.

Gladio you busy today?

Not really. Whatcha need kitten?

Kit rolled her eyes at the continued use of his nickname for her, but was surprised to find it didn’t really bother her anymore. In the six months they had been getting to know each other, Gladio had proven to be loyal and dependable, and his use of the nickname had come to hold affection rather than a mocking undertone.

I’m about to head over to Iggy’s to decorate for his party. Prompto is bringing the decorations but I need a heavy lifter. You in?

Anything for you. I’ll head over as soon as I shower and change.

Kit smiled and shook her head. Gladio was a notorious flirt, so she was pretty sure he had texted her that just to get a rise out of her. Her smile grew mischievous as she texted back.

Good. I was tired of holding my breath around you.

Ha ha. Always knew I took your breath away. See you in a bit.

Kit gave a quiet chuckle and set her phone down before hopping in the shower herself. Once dry, she donned a pair of loose black cargo pants and black long sleeve shirt. Since it was February, she also threw on her baggy crownsguard sweater and headed out. She only lived a few blocks away from Ignis’ apartment so she walked. The air was brisk, but the sun was shining, so it wasn’t that bad of a walk. When she got to his door, she knocked cautiously.

"Iggy you home?"

She waited a moment, but when she was greeted with only silence, she slipped her copy of his key in the door and let herself in. She looked around and grinned.

"Operation: Surprise Party is a go." She said. She laughed at herself, glad she was alone so the boys couldn’t make fun of her. Knowing Ignis kept his pantry fully stocked; Kit gathered the ingredients she needed to make Ignis’ favorite dish and cake. She decided to hold off on the dish so that it was fresh for tonight, but saw no harm in making the cake while she waited for the others. As she was mixing the ingredients together, her phone buzzed. She looked down to see a text from Prompto.

Got the goods. On my way.

Wiping her floured hands on a dishtowel she sent back a brief reply.

See ya in a bit.

She finished the batter and was pouring it in two cake pans when the apartment door opened. She froze, hoping desperately Ignis hadn’t returned for something. She relaxed when she heard Gladio’s low rumble followed by Prompto’s laugh.

"Kit?" Prompto called out, cautiously.

"In here, guys."

Moments later they both appeared at the entrance of the small kitchen. Prompto was holding a huge box of decorations, and he looked like he was beginning to struggle with them.

"Prompto, go put the decorations in the living room. I’ll help you start decorating as soon as I get the cake in the oven." Kit raised an eyebrow at Gladio as the blonde man went to do as she asked, a silent question as to why he didn’t help. Gladio just shrugged and came in to lean against the counter next to her.

"I asked if he wanted help, but he said he had it. Also you got a little something right…there." He brushed his fingers gently against her nose, coming away faintly dusted in flour. Kit grimaced.

"I swear that stuff gets everywhere no matter how careful I try to be. I don’t know how Iggy always manages to stay so immaculate."

Gladio chuckled and shook his head, watching as Kit slid the cake pans into the oven. She smiled at him as she stood back up, dusting her hands unconsciously against her legs.

"Alright, let’s go decorate."


The rest of the day was spent getting Ignis’ apartment ready for the evening. Noct had texted Kit at one point saying Ignis would be in meetings for the rest of the day and he’d be by with party snacks as soon as he could manage. When the cake was done baking, and had a chance to cool, Kit and Prompto set about decorating it. While far from professional standards, Kit declared it a success once they were done.

"It was made with love, and that’s all that really matters. I think we’re pretty much done for now. Just gotta get ready for the party."

The three friends left the apartment, with Kit making sure to lock it behind her. They agreed to meet back there in a few hours and went their separate ways. Kit hurried home, grabbed the co*cktail dress she’d decided to wear that night as well as Ignis’ gift, and then headed back to the apartment. She needed to cook the Risotto for Ignis before getting ready.

Once the meal was done, she set it on the warmer and ran to Ignis’ bedroom. She took a quick shower to wash off any stray flour and then donned the dress. It was midnight blue with silver and gold crystals sewn throughout it to look like the night sky. It was thigh length on the left side, angling to drop to the floor on the right. She did her hair in a simple side updo that waterfalled over her right shoulder in gentle waves. She shoved her clothes from earlier into the bag that her dress had been in, then went to go watch TV until the others arrived, smiling occasionally as she looked over the room. She couldn’t wait to see Ignis’ reaction.


Ignis gave a quiet sigh as he took his keys out of his pocket. It had been a busy day, first with Noctis keeping him on the run with various wants and needs, and then several meetings back to back about the multitude of issues plaguing the city and outlying areas currently. But it was finally over. And while he’d been a little disappointed not to hear from Kit or the others, he knew they had their own business to attend to. Still, not the way he’d been hoping to spend his birthday. Once in the apartment, he flipped the switch on, freezing in shocked wonder as Kit, Gladio, Noct, and Prompto all shouted as one.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

Ignis stared at the room. Little stars and planets hung from the ceiling, along with multicolored streamers that encircled the small columns in the room. A cake sat in the middle of the dining table, covered in dark chocolate frosting and little sugar stars. In a shaky hand someone had written "Happy 20th Birthday Iggy" in yellow icing. Everyone was dressed in their best, the guys all wearing suits and Kit wearing a stunning co*cktail dress. A flash from Prompto’s camera broke Ignis out of his stupor and he walked over to his friends.

"This…" he trailed off, at a loss for words for once. Kit smiled at him and came over to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Happy birthday, Iggy. Now come on, have a seat." She dragged him over to the dining table while Gladio disappeared into the kitchen. A moment later he emerged with two bowls of Risotto, setting one down in front of Ignis and handing the other to a surprised Kit, before following Noct and Prompto back in to get a bowl for himself. Kit sat next to Iggy while everyone else claimed a seat of their own.

"Dig in."

They talked as they ate, laughing and sharing stories about the day. Noct apologized for sending him all over the city randomly.

"I thought maybe I was being to obvious with it, but you never even brought it up. I had so many excuses at the ready for when you asked. I’m a little hurt that I apparently didn’t need them."

Ignis laughed. "I assure you, I thought it was a bit unusual, but I learned a long time ago that even if were I to inquire, I still wouldn’t understand your reasoning. So I just do as you ask and hope it doesn’t get either of us into to much trouble."

The other three laughed as Noct frowned at Ignis. "I’m not that bad, Specs." He grumbled. Ignis just smiled and took another bite of his food. After they had eaten, they moved over to the living room where several presents were waiting. As soon as Ignis was seated, Prompto handed him a large box.

"From Kit. I figured since she went through all the effort, you should open hers first."

"Sounds fair." Ignis said, carefully undoing the taped edges in order to preserve the paper. Kit laughed.

"You’re no fun Iggy. You’re supposed to tear into it."

"And ruin perfectly good paper? Have you met Specs, Kit?" Noct laughed. Ignis ignored their teasing, and at last Kit’s gift was revealed. It was a large telescope, top of the line.

"I hope you like it. We don’t get to go stargazing as much as we used to, but I figured you have a pretty good view of the sky from here so if you’re ever in the mood…"

Ignis smiled at her. "I love it. Though I notice you decided to leave it to me to put together."

Kit shrugged and winked. "That way you know it’s done right."

"Okay, okay. Me next!" Noctis said with a grin, handing over a large flat gift. Kit took the telescope from Ignis and set it on the ground so he could have his hands free. As the paper fell away, a gorgeous painting of the night sky with the city limit was revealed. It was so well done that it looked almost like a photograph. Kit and Prompto both "oohed" while Gladio gave an appreciative whistle. Ignis bowed his head slightly in Noct’s direction.

"This is stunning, Noct. Thank you."

Noctis chuckled. "I guess me and Kit were thinking along the same lines. I know I don’t say it often enough but…I appreciate everything you do, Specs." He blushed slightly, hand rubbing the back of his neck. "So…yeah. Happy birthday."

Gladio’s gift was next; a large, unwrapped silver box. Inside, nestled in a protective foam base, were two gleaming daggers. Ignis took them out carefully, feeling their balance. He smiled at Gladio.

"These are superb. Thank you, Gladio." Gladio just nodded as Ignis carefully placed the weapons back in the box. Last came Prompto, who almost seemed reluctant to hand over his gift after seeing everyone else’s. Ignis just raised an eyebrow and Prompto sighed, handing over another large flat gift.

"It’s not much, but I figured gifts are supposed to be from the heart, so…" Prompto trailed off.

Ignis made quick work of the wrapping, and gave a surprised little huff before turning the picture for the others to see. It was a picture of the five of them, when they had gone to the Citadel’s gardens to see the leaves change color for Prompto’s birthday back in October. Kit looked tiny standing in the center between Gladio and Ignis, with Prompto and Noct on either side. While they’d done a few with crazy poses, this one was just them standing, smiling at the camera surrounded by a riot of color.

Everyone was quiet for a moment as they looked at the print, until Gladio finally clapped the blonde on the back.

"Leave it to you to outdo all of us, Prompt."

Prompto blushed.

"Thank you Prompto." Ignis said quietly. "Thank you all. This really has been the best birthday I could have asked for."

They sat in companionable silence for a moment, just enjoying the moment, until Prompto stood, still looking a little red.

"All right. Who’s up for some cake?"

**Side note...wish I could draw so I could I could draw that image of the 5 of them in the gardens...but the order is supposed to be Prompto, Iggy, Kit, Gladio, and Noct.**

#happy birthday ignis#ignis scientia#ignis scientia birthday#ignis#ffxv#gladiolus amicitia#noctis lucis caelum#prompto argentum#ffxv writings#ffxv fanfiction#ffxv headcanons#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#ff15#ffxv x oc


Feb 5, 2017

Ballroom Blitz

Takes place a few weeks after Love Him, Love Him Not. Hope you enjoy!

Kit smoothed her hands over the lavender silk dress she wore. It had sheer wide open kimono sleeves and a low cut, off the shoulder, bodice before falling into gentle folds that hugged her figure just the right amount. The same sheer material as her sleeves was layered strategically over the skirt so that it gave off a shimmer effect. And when she twirled, the skirt flared in such a way that it resembled the petals of a flower. It had to have cost a fortune.

“Ignis, you know I have plenty of gowns I could have worn, you didn’t have to buy me this.” Despite both their upbringings as part of the royal household, guilt at the money he must have dropped on her had her biting her bottom lip nervously.

Ignis walked into the room and smiled. He was decked to the nine’s in a three piece suit and silver gloves. Even though they were just best friends, Kit had to admit he looked good enough to eat.

“You promised you would let me pick, remember? Besides, this will be the first summer ball in almost five years, and it’s being held to celebrate Noct turning 17. As part of the Prince’s personal retinue we are held to a higher standard than most. Thus only the best will do. Now sit.”

Kit laughed and let Ignis place a simple amethyst pendant around her neck before fussing with her hair. He soon had her long twilight locks pinned on top of her head, with some falling down to her shoulder in a soft ebony waterfall. When he finally allowed her to see, she gave a low appreciative whistle.

“Damn Iggy, is therenothingyou can’t do?”

Ignis just gave his small smile. “I am a man of many talents.” He paused to make sure everything was as it should be, then held out his arm. “Shall we?”

Ignis pulled the car up to the Citadel entrance where one of the footmen proceeded to open the door and help Kit out, while another was waiting to park the car. Ignis walked around to where Kit was waiting and reclaimed her arm from the footman. They walked up the stairs amongst other guests and waited in line to be announced. As they waited, they looked around, admiring the decorations that the servants had put so much effort into.

“This is like something out of a dream. They really went all out.”


Kit cast hima sideways look and grinned. “What do you want to bet that Noct is in pure misery right now?”

Ignis chuckled. “That’s all but a guarantee.”

They stepped forward and entered the ballroom as they were announced.

“Count Ignis Scientia, future advisor to his highness Prince Noctis, and Kitrayna Leonis, daughter of Marshal Cor Leonis, and future Marshal under his highness Prince Noctis.”

Kit was careful to hide her grimace at the use of her father in her announcement as she bowed low to first King Regis, then a very bored looking Prince Noctis. He smiled briefly when he saw his friends before schooling his face back into the one the world saw so often. Ignis and Kit made their way through the ballroom, mingling with the other guests. Ignis leaned over to murmur in her ear.

“You have the eye of every male in here upon you tonight, and no few ladies as well.”

Kit laughed. “I’m pretty sure the ladies are eyeing you, Specs. Or your taste in dresses at the least.”

Ignis chuckled, and eventually they made their way back over to the dais to meet up with Noct and Gladio. Kit was busy looking at some decoration or other, so only Ignis noticed Gladio’s eyes widen slightly at the sight of her. Knowing she would probably hate him, Ignis steered his way over to where the bodyguard was standing. When Kit finally realized their destination, she scowled at Ignis briefly before smiling and giving a slight curtsy to Gladio’s father Clarus, and sister Iris, who were also standing with the Prince’s bodyguard. Finally she turned to Gladio, eyeing him up and down.

“You certainly clean up nice.”

Gladio grinned. “And you’re as beautiful and deadly to a man’s ego as ever, Kitten.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. For the first time, Kit didn’t have a witty comeback; the utter sincerity in his voice making her blush faintly instead. And while he had to have seen it, Kit was again thrown off balance when he didn’t comment on it. Instead he asked her the last question she ever thought she’d hear from him.

“Do you think I may be so bold as to ask for a dance at some point tonight?”

Kit smiled. “You mayask…though I’d be surprised if your dance card wasn’t full already.”

“Trust me. It’s not.”

“Well that’s fine, but nobody gets to dance with Kit until I have.” Noct came up to the group and smiled at her. “You look great Kit. I think every guy in here is gonna be wanting a dance with you.”

Kit groaned. “No thank you. You, Ignis, Prompto, and even Gladio, are the only ones I have any desire to be around.” She looked around. “Is Prompto gonna be here tonight?”

Noct shrugged. “He said he’d try to make it, but I don’t know if he’s cut out for stuff like this. I’ll let him know you have a dance saved for him if I see him though.”

Kit laughed, and then the music started. Noct held out his hand and Kit took it, letting the Prince lead her to the dance floor.

“Looks like Specs strikes again.”

Kit tilted her head slightly, confused. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.” Noct laughed and refused to elaborate, no matter what bribe or threat Kit made. After pulling rank and claiming three dances, Noct finally bowed out and let Ignis take a turn. She smiled up at him as he began spinning her along the dance floor.

“Iggy, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course, my dear.”

“Did you pick this dress out for me for anyone in particular?”

Ignis laughed. “I appear to have been found out. Did Noct give me away?”

“Not in so many words…”

Ignis gave his ‘cats in the cream’ smile. “Ah, so the secret is still safe.” He spun her elegantly so her skirt flared teasingly before going into the next dance, which was a waltz. Kit laughed and shook her head. “As if my father wasn’t bad enough, now I have you playing matchmaker as well?”

“Ah, but my dear, you know you can trust my judgement. I only ever want to see you happy.”

Kit gave a sad smile, remembering times with Ignis that could have been. She looked around at the other dancing couples, smiling when she saw Gladio dancing with his little sister. As much as he could get on her nerves, and as insufferable as his hanger-on’s were, she never doubted he was anything other than a good man or a loyal friend. She also saw Noct dancing very stiffy with some wilted flower of a noble’s daughter and choked back a laugh. She looked back at Ignis just in time to catch his own sad smile before it turned warm again.

“I know you have my back, Iggy.”


After the waltz was over, Kit begged for a brief respite and made her way to the refreshments table, with Ignis close behind. He grabbed her a flute of chilled wine which she sipped as she watched the other dancers.

“Did I miss my chance?” A voice Kit knew well asked, though she wasn’t used to the timid note in it. She turned and gave the young blonde man, who so clearly did not fit in with the rest of the guests, a huge smile and hug.

“Prompto! I’m so glad you made it. And of course you didn’t miss your chance.”

Prompto hugged her back. “You look great Kit. I bet G-“

“Don’t you think you should head to the dance floor, Prompto?” Ignis asked. Prompto grinned and took Kit’s hand.

“Yeah, right. How often will a guy like me get a chance to dance with a girl like you, huh Kit?”

Kit laughed, noticing Ignis’ timely interruption but not commenting on it. She’d find out soon enough. “You’re practically family Prompto, the little brother I never had. I will always have a dance saved for you.” She kissed Prompto on the forehead. “Come on; let’s show them what a real party looks like.”

Kit led the way, dancing slow so that Prompto could follow along for the first dance. The second dance was one a little closer to what he was familiar with from the few classes he hadn’t skipped, so they were able to dance in time. If Prompto had been worried about people making fun of his looks or dancing, he needn’t have worried. All the men were too busy being jealous that he was dancing with whom they thought was the most beautiful woman there, and the women were too busy hating Kit for stealing that spotlight from them. After two more dances, Prompto came to a halt, with a smile on his face.

“I think the big guy would like to steal you for a bit.” Prompto said in a mock whisper. Kit looked behind her to see Gladio watching them, ignoring the girls who were begging him for a turn on the floor. Prompto took Kit arm in arm and made his way over to the group.

“Hey Gladio.”

“Prompto. I think Noct is looking for an excuse to stop dancing if you wanna go find him. If not, I’m sure any of these ladies would be happy to join you for a dance or two.” Most of said ‘ladies’ gave Gladio a scandalized look before making excuses of why they suddenly had to be anywhere else, but Prompto just laughed it off.

“Nah, Kit tired me out. I’ll go see what kind of trouble me and Noct can get into.” He winked at Kit before slipping away into the crowd. Suddenly alone, Kit raised an eyebrow at Gladio, who swallowed visibly.

“Care to dance?”

Kit chuckled. “Thought you’d never ask. And after I was so kind to give you permission earlier too.”

Gladio gave a sardonic laugh of his own as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. While she was tall for a woman, Kit couldn’t help but feel tiny as Gladio took her right hand in his, placed his left arm around her back, and swept her into another waltz.

“You’ve probably heard this all night, but you look stunning, Kitten.” For once, the nickname came across as an endearment instead of mocking challenge, and Kit found herself blushing again at his words.

“You don’t look half bad yourself. I expected to see you on the dance floor strutting your stuff.”

Gladio chuckled. “Iris got tired after a few dances and bowed out. I was waiting for a suitable replacement.”

“What about all those girls who were throwing themselves at you back there? Most of them seemed…eager…”

Gladio grimaced as he twirled Kit out and back in, pulling her close. He dipped his head to whisper in her ear.

“I told you three weeks ago, Kitten, you’re the only girl for me.”

Before she could reply, there was a brief partner swap, and then she was back in Gladio’s arms.

“I beat you to a pulp that day. You were just trying to reclaim a bit of pride.” But he heard the hint of uncertainty in her voice as much as she did. He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

“Come on Kitten. I egg you on, piss you off, and just generally get under your skin when we’re together. When I have Ievertried to reclaim anything from you?”

Kit thought about it. “Never. You usually just smile or laugh and make me angrier.”

Gladio hesitated. “You were so timid when we were kids at the start, but when you got mad I could finally see the fighter in you. So I took the hit and did everything in my power to piss you off and drive you on. You’ll never know how happy I was the first time you put me on my back in a match. I’m so proud of the warrior you’ve become Kit, and…I’d like us to start over, if we can.”

Kit blinked back surprised tears at his confession. She took a slow deep breath and smiled. “I’d like that.”

Gladio grinned back. “Thank the six.” He spun her one last time as the song ended and then bowed low. “Gladio Amicitia, at your service.”

Kit gave a small curtsy. “Kitrayna Leonis, but my friends call me Kit.” She paused for a heartbeat. “You can call me Kitten though, if you like.” She winked at him when she stood back up straight, noticing the slightly shocked smile on his face.

“If you don’t mind, Gladio, would you like to grab some drinks and go out on the balcony to get to know each other better?”

“There’s nothing I’d love more.”


Ignis, Noct, and Prompto all stood just off the dais as they watched Gladio and Kit vanish out onto the balcony, drinks in hand. Prompto and Noct fist bumped, both grinning ear to ear.

“That actually worked better than I thought it would, Specs.” Noct bumped shoulders with the older man. Ignis gave a small smile.

“Not every battle is fought with swords and daggers, Your Highness.”

“Love is a battlefield, eh guys?” Prompto added with a cheeky grin. Ignis shook his head, wondering what he had done to deserve such a fate as this.

#gladiolus amicitia#gladiolus amicitia x oc#gladio#ignis scientia#ffxv#ffxv writings#ffxv fanfiction#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#noctis lucis caelum#prompto argentum


Feb 2, 2017

Writers block

Have this great idea for a one shot but no matter how many times I start or tweak it it just doesn't work like I want it to...sigh...

FFXV drabbles @shadowflame-117 - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.