World Clock Meeting Planner – World Clock – Timehubzone (2024)

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The World Clock Meeting Planner is used to Schedule an international meeting time across different time zones to organize a meeting with people around the world. The World Clock Meeting Planner is used to find a suitable international meeting time with participants in different places to set up a video conference, telephone call, conference call or an online chat.

World clock Meeting Planner is the need of the hour

How do you tackle the time issue when you have to line up a meeting with client who is stationed abroad? Here comes the significant role of The World Clock Meeting Planner that facilitates you in scheduling your foreign meetings with different time zones. Via The World Clock Meeting planner, you can schedule your international meetings with convenience of all members regardless of differing locations and differing time zones. You can have telephonic conference calls, video conference calls or a simple online chatting with the facility of World Clock Meeting Planner.

In this tech-savvy era, everything has gone through massive transformation. The same goes right for business and marketing. Now people are engaged in international businesses that require them to be in a continuous connection with their international business community. The business deals and consultations take place via either telephonic conversations or video calls. You simply need to set up a meeting with your international business partners. Thus, with the use of the World Clock Meeting Planner, you can cut get rid of the hassle of varied time zones. Using this, you can arrange your meeting across the sea with a unanimous setting of time. The Meeting Planner allows you to opt the targeted day and month which you find feasible to carry out the meeting. Next, you are supposed to choose the time. You can choose the time as per 12 hours or the 24-hour clock. In order to make a conference call, you are required to check mark the relevant cities and have to choose a time accordingly.

How important is the World Clock

A Time zone varies according to the part of the world, you need to have a clear understanding of this niche if you have an internationally running business or your friends & family reside over there. Be you are a student or do any job, be you run a business or have relatives, be you are into international freelancing or want to contact anybody else; you need to be aware of this factor. The World Clock lets you have this knowledge. There are some times zones, which are regarded as standardized time of the area and they are the ones of major cities in the world. With a good know how of time zone difference, you can manage your planner with more precision. Apart from this, you can also estimate the sunrise and sunset time, moon phases, solstice etc. Moreover, you can also get the benefits of world clock in a more individualized way. You can have a personal world clock on your mobile phone or watch that will make your international dealings rather more effortless.

Nowadays, technology has advanced and it has let people conduct business internationally. People do business over telephone and video calls. For this, they need to schedule Meetings across varying time zones. Using the World Clock Meeting Planner, you can set up meetings or video conference with global participants. On the Planner, you can set the day and month on which you want to find the best time for a meeting. Then, select the time interval. The hours can be calculated in 12 hour or 24 hour clock. Fro conference call, you can select more than one cities and find the appropriate times.

Time zones differ all around the world and if you are conducting business globally or you have loved ones living in different countries, you need to be aware of the time zones. Major time zones around the world are considered standard time of the region. By knowing time zones, you can schedule your international meetings and call your loved ones at appropriate times. Moreover, you can calculate sunset and sunrise timings, solstices and moon phases. Having a personal world clock on your phone or watch, to keep track of different time zones, comes in handy if you are operating globally.


What is a meeting planner?

As per MY definition, a meeting planner is the go-to-person or a main member of the planning team of an organization. This team could be corporate, association or else that is responsible for planning, meeting execution and else.

What is the best time for all time zones?
USA Rule of Thumb: 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time

regardless of remembering everyone’s time zone separately, there is an easy fix for this that works universally well. For the East coast, 2:00 pm EST and for the West coast, 11:00 am is said to be an ideally suitable time for conducting a meeting.

Can you be in two time zones at once?

Nicosa is known to have two distinctions. It is said to be the only capital in the world with two time zones.After the fall of Britain Wall, Nicosa is the Europe’s last divided capital. A buffer zone of UN departs the Greek Southern part of Cyprus from the Turkish-Cypriots in the North.

What are the different types of meeting planners?
The following are different types of meeting, convention, and event planners:

Meeting planners- they are responsible for planning large scale meetings for organization…

Convention planners- they are responsible for planning conventions and conferences for organizations…

Event planners- they are responsible for arranging various events with details and keenness.

What is the most important task for a meeting planner?

The most important task of a professional meeting planner is to facilitate you from fundamental planning to perfectexecution of the meeting or event for your organization. Availing the services of a meeting planner result into your organization’s productivity and benefit.

World Clock Meeting Planner – World Clock – Timehubzone (2024)


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