Contract management software | otris software (2024)

Specialised solution | legal SUITE Contract management
with otris software -
simple, secure, efficient.

Optimise your contract management with otris contract. You gain full control over the life cycle of all your contracts: from creation to structured filing and processing to archiving.

Contract management involves more than the administration of contracts. Good contract management generates added value through standardisation in processing, creation and research. Employees can immediately find the data and documents they need to make well-founded decisions: upcoming deadlines, entitlements or relationships between contracts.

Without organised contract management, this information remains intransparent. Often, isolated solutions are created in the company and the processing and filing of individual contracts takes place at departmental or team level. Conflicts due to different levels of knowledge, avoidable risks, time-consuming processing and wasted potential are the result.

Contract management software | otris software (1)

otris contract

Our contract management software otris contract improves security and efficiency throughout the entire contract life cycle. All data can be found quickly by all parties involved, and the information is always up-to-date and consistent. The system automatically monitors contract deadlines and alerts the responsible employees. With otris contract you control and digitise complete contract management processes: From simple approval workflows to complex contract creation processes.

Our contract management software at a glance

otris contract has a modular structure. You combine basic elements, such as the central contract file, with extensions. If required, we integrate your company-specific workflows into the application. The goal: a solution that meets your requirements.

Contract management software | otris software (2)

Digital contract file

In central contract files, you record contracts with associated correspondence, notes and attachments. Versioning can be tracked by every user. The structured filing system and powerful search functions simplify searches within the entire contract file.

Contract management software | otris software (3)

Contract creation | Digital signature

From drafting to digital signature – the template system and clause management accelerate the contract drafting process and help to avoid mistakes. The strict specifications of the template leave no room for deviations and thus enable employees without legal training to create legally secure contracts.

Deadline control | Resubmission

Automatisierte Warnung vor anstehenden Fristen. Rechtzeitig vor Ablauf einer Frist werden die zuständigen Mitarbeiter informiert. Falls der zuständige Mitarbeiter auf eine Fristenwarnung nicht reagiert, stellt ein Eskalations-Workflow sicher, dass ein vorab definierter Personenkreis informiert wird.

Contract management software | otris software (5)

Individual workflows

Whether you want to define a multi-stage contract approval process, map a digital contract signature or automate the data check after contract entry – with otris contract you digitise work processes in contract management. Complex, individualised workflows are graphically modelled with the help of a workflow designer (Microsoft Visio).

Contract management software | otris software (6)

Permissions | Access

otris contract integrates all contents of the contract database into a differentiated authorisation and access concept with clear rules and possible exceptions. Implementation is always individual and customised and can range from a pragmatic approach to complex access control. With otris contract you design secure access to confidential documents in contract management.

Contract management software | otris software (7)

Reporting | Controlling

otris contract integrates comprehensive business intelligence functions. Data from the contract database including all financial values or data from other sources can be retrieved for individual evaluation. The data can be grouped, condensed and arranged as desired.

Contract management software | otris software (8)

Features that distinguish our contract management software

Usability. Simple and intuitive.

Ease of use through a software interface that has been thought through down to the last detail is a top priority in all otris developments. Working with otris contract can be learned very quickly despite the high complexity of the system. The excellent usability of the contract management software minimises the learning curve for new users and thus improves user acceptance after introduction.

Integration. Smooth and platform-independent.

otris contract is a browser-based application and therefore does not require installation on users’ workstations. The contract management system is platform-independent and integrates into your IT environment without complications. Standardised interfaces enable smooth communication with existing systems. Not only the technical work with the system, but also the administration as well as the individual design of the programme interface is done comfortably via the web browser.

Scope of functions. Customisable standard software.

In order to adapt the software functional scope to the given requirements, companies choose one of the three software editions and combine extensions as needed. If there are further requirements that are not covered by this standard functional scope, otris consulting realises an individualisation according to requirements. From simple data field additions to complex interfaces to third-party systems – the otris contract architecture is designed so openly that even extensive customisations can be implemented with manageable effort.

Scalability. Uncomplicatedly expandable.

Starting at department level and gradually rolling out the contract management system across the group – this is easily possible with otris contract. Not only the range of functions, but also the number of users can be expanded quickly and easily. Also possible: you start with a small, cost-effective cloud solution that can be terminated at any time. After you have been convinced of the system’s practicality, a switch to the company’s own server and an expansion of the system are uncomplicated to realise. When switching from the cloud to the company’s own server, all system settings, configurations, data, documents and processes are transferred with it.

On-Premises or cloud. Form of operation selectable.

On-premises or cloud – you are free to choose which variant you use. On-premises means that otris contract is installed on a server at your company location. With a cloud variant, you access the servers of a secure data centre (location: Germany) and use the contract management software from there. In both cases, you use a web browser to work with the software.

„The overall package of user-friendliness, requirement coverage and costs fits with otris contract.“

Ines Padovan
International Accounting, Deichmann SE

How does our contract management work in practice?

More security, order, overview and control in contract management. Four examples from practice.

Security. Automated deadline and appointment monitoring.
A contract for a service that could be purchased more cheaply elsewhere is unintentionally extended. The chance to negotiate was missed. How do you prevent unwanted contract extensions?

otris contract provides security in contract controlling through automated monitoring of deadlines and dates. You keep an eye on all deadlines and meet all contract deadlines. Events and possible actions relating to contracts are automatically monitored. The system informs you whether a contract is about to expire, whether a termination option can be used or whether a contract renewal is pending. otris contract, the software for contract management, informs the responsible users and departments in good time by e-mail and actively protects against unnecessary risks. An integrated escalation control ensures reliable deadline and deadline monitoring. E-mail notifications are sent to an extended group of recipients before a specified response time has elapsed. Optionally, addressees from other hierarchical levels can also be added.

Overview. Time and money.
An employee is looking for a contract but cannot find it because it is on someone else’s local hard drive. This is not only frustrating, but also time-consuming. How do you create transparency?

otris contract reduces the time employees spend on information retrieval through central data storage and extensive search and sorting functions. Employees are left with more time for the actual tasks of contract management: e.g. checking contract content, negotiations, invoicing, researching contract terms and conditions, controlling. Current and complete information in these areas is the basis for legally and economically correct decisions.

Order. Record and evaluate.
An audit is due. Comprehensive data on receivables and liabilities from existing contracts must be compiled quickly and correctly. How do you simplify reporting in contract management?

otris contract helps you – not only in external audits – to understand which receivables and liabilities result from contractual relationships. Costs and revenues are recorded and directly allocated to the contracts that caused them. Regularly recurring payments are only stored once as a periodic payment series and automatically recalculated. Payments can be displayed graphically and in tabular form, evaluated and transferred to Excel workbooks. You can generate reports at the touch of a button and quickly gain an overview of all expenses and income of the stored contracts. Monitor compliance with budgets, create forecasts for future developments or calculate statements of open liabilities.

Control. Access and data protection.
A loan contract gets into the hands of an employee. The contract contains sensitive information that is not intended for him, but only for the management and the finance department. How do you improve data protection in your contract management?

otris contract regulates access to contract types and individual contracts via a fine-grained authorisation concept. When setting up the system, you define which principles this authorisation concept follows: e.g. the authorisation that employees of a defined department with a managerial function have write and read access to certain contract types and that the remaining contracts are not displayed for them. With otris contract, access can be controlled not only for individual companies but for the group-wide corporate structure.


Reference articles | Technical articles

to the reference report

Group-wide contract management

Contract management software | otris software (9)

A successful digitalisation project at Deichmann SE: otris contract ...

to the reference report

Automate contract management

Contract management software | otris software (10)

Bora relies on digital workflows for contract creation and template maintenance ...

Special solutions for your contract management

The feedback from our customers and interested parties shows how diverse the requirements for a contract management system are. In order to cover special requirements in the best possible way, we develop extensions that complete your digital contract management system according to your needs.

Control contract risks
Contract conclusions do not only generate security. They also always contain the risk that agreements are not adhered to and damage is caused. Which contracts in your overall portfolio are particularly risky and how high would a potential loss be? otris contract supports you in the risk assessment of your contract portfolio. The software visualises the results of the risk assessment using traffic light symbols. This makes it easier for the user to classify the risk and – if necessary – to quickly initiate measures.

Extensions for IP, matter and claim management
Legal processing in the company is not limited to contract management. The legal department is also responsible, for example, for representing the company’s interests in the areas of competition and trademark law. Legal cases that are not or only indirectly related to contract management can be handled via extensions with otris contract: freely configurable file types map the file structures and work processes that are relevant for your legal department. You can choose from ready-developed file systems for IP, matter and claim management.

Evaluate leases in accordance with IFRS 16
With otris contract you analyse your contract portfolio to identify leases that have to be accounted for according to IFRS 16. You select based on the given criteria and note already capitalised and “converted” contracts. Old status and changes can be tracked over the entire contract period. The total value per contract is output via the payment series in otris contract (for RoU asset), which serves as the basis for accounting.

Corporate housekeeping
otris contract is not limited to the pure administration of contracts of the operative business. With our otris corporate LCM edition, you can also organise your corporate housekeeping: from the administration of company-relevant contracts to the archiving and dispatch of supervisory board minutes and the organisation of committee meetings. The solution not only improves your document management. It also makes it easy to track the company’s development: the system shows you the status of the shareholding structure at a freely selectable point in time in the past.

Which contract management edition fits your requirements?

To offer you the solution that optimally fits your company-specific requirements, we provide a choice of three editions as well as functional extensions.

Contract management software | otris software (11)

You are looking for a contract management software with which you can:

  • get started quickly
  • avoid large initial investments
  • do not tie up in-house IT resources

The otris contract STANDARD edition is a fully comprehensive contract management solution. (SaaS)

Contract management software | otris software (12)

You are looking for a software for contract management with which you can:

  • link existing systems (e.g. master data debtors/creditors from ERP)
  • map authorisation structures depending on company units and document categories
  • implement configurations (e.g. additional fields or additional contract types)

The otris contract ENTERPRISE edition is the freely configurable, interface-capable variant of our contract management solution. (SaaS | On premises)

Contract management software | otris software (13)

You are looking for a software for contract management with which you can:

  • connect existing systems (e.g. master data debtors/creditors from ERP)
  • company structures (e.g. authorisations) and work processes (e.g. contract approval process)
  • implement customisations (e.g. company-specific BI reports) Integrate individual configurable digital files

The otris contract ENTERPRISE plus edition is our customisable, interface-capable contract management solution with open workflow functionality. (SaaS | On premises)

Online demo | Register now for free!

Your contact person

Matthias Clarfeld
+49 231 95806950

Contract management software | otris software (14)

Contract management software | otris software (15)

Contract management
Investment management
Legal matter management
Contract management software | otris software (2024)


What is a contract management software? ›

Contract management software is designed to help lawyers and other professionals create, negotiate, renew, and collect data on existing business contracts.

What is contractor management software? ›

Contractor management software is a system for managing critical data related to the employment of independent contractors, automating the entire employment lifecycle—from onboarding through payment.

How much does CLM software cost? ›

Contract management software automates the processes of creating, tracking, and managing contracts. It helps users draft contracts, define their terms and conditions, and track milestones such as the completion or review date for a project. Contract management software pricing can range from $7 to over $700 per month.

What is the difference between CRM and contract management? ›

A contract management system acts as a repository for contracts whereas a CRM or customer relationship management system keeps track of commercial opportunities and client interactions.

What are three main types of software contracts? ›

There are three types of software development contracts – Fixed Price, Time & Material (T&M), and Dedicated Team.

Do I need a contract management system? ›

Contract management software is used by businesses that need to scale their contract workflow without increasing headcount. This means that fast-growing businesses with increasing contract volumes gain the most value from implementing contract management software.

How to select a contract management system? ›

5 Key Steps to Selecting a Contract Management System
  1. Evaluation of End Users. Before you start using search engines to look up contract management systems, you need to do some initial research within your ranks. ...
  2. Involvement of Key Staff. ...
  3. Distribution of Information. ...
  4. Technical Compatibility. ...
  5. Support and Training.

What is CMS contract management system? ›

The Contract Management System (CMS) is a web-based, . NET application designed to allow OCFS contractors to develop their contracts online; including an electronic signature feature, submit financial claim information electronically, develop budget modifications as necessary and obtain information on payment status.

What is a CLM software? ›

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software is an effective solution for businesses that want to gain control of their contracts and to speed up the contracting process. It enables legal and business teams to manage contracts efficiently at every stage and reduce the manual work involved in doing so.

Is CRM and CLM the same thing? ›

CRM concentrates its efforts on fostering, observing, and nurturing customer relations. This often manifests in tools designed to manage customer engagement and track sales data. CLM takes a broader view, examining the customer's journey from first contact to loyalty and advocacy.

How do I choose a CLM? ›

Consider just the tracking of contracts. In our survey, tracking contracts was the top use of CLMs of those planning to implement (85%) as well as those who currently have CLM(81%). According to a CLOC survey, you can spend between one and six hours of time tracking obligations within the lifetime of a single contract.

Does Adobe have CLM? ›

And with the seamless integration of Acrobat Pro and Acrobat Sign, you can access contract templates, past signatures, and other related documents in a snap. With everything you need for contract lifecycle management in one place, you can save time and resources while getting your documents approved.

Is Salesforce a contract management system? ›

Sales teams live in CRMs like Salesforce. Enabling them to create and manage contracts within the platform can empower them to reduce time-to-sign and capture revenue faster. However, not all businesses use Salesforce effectively when managing their contracts.

What is the disadvantage of a management contract? ›

One of the biggest disadvantages of management contracts is that the company relinquishes control to the management firm. The company may not have as much say in the decision-making process, as the management firm is responsible for making strategic decisions.

What is the difference between contract management and CLM? ›

CMS provides basic contract management tools, while CLM offers a more comprehensive suite of tools that cover the entire contract lifecycle. With CLM software being more automated, businesses can save time and reduce the need for manual intervention, resulting in faster contract-related processes.

What is contract management with example? ›

Contract Management is the process of managing contracts, deliverables, deadlines, contract terms and conditions while ensuring customer satisfaction. Public and private organizations know that purchasing does not end when the contract is awarded.

What can contract management software ensure? ›

When used effectively, contract management software can mitigate risk during the contract process, ensure compliance, drive productivity, and increase end-to-end visibility so all parties involved can stay informed. Contract management software solutions range from very simple to extremely sophisticated.

Why would companies use contract management? ›

Contract management software allows you to effortlessly demonstrate compliance with reporting requirements thanks to a digital audit trail from the creation to signature of your contracts. Contract management systems offer approval workflows to ensure that contract terms meet the legal team's requirements.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.