Solar's Build Thread - The In-Between-Updates Update! - Page 2 (2024)

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Solar's Build Thread - The In-Between-Updates Update! - Page 2 (2)

Tricky the Clown (Madness Combat 2 and 3)

Group: None. Works alongside the A.A.H.W.
Base of Operations: Somewhere in Nevada.

Power Level 2 (PL 3 Attacks, PL 5 Explosives) - 36 Character Points

Strength 0, Agility 1, Fighting 3, Awareness 0
Stamina 1, Dexterity 1, Intellect 0, Presence 3

M16 Automatic Rifle or M60 Automatic Rifle: Ranged Damage 6 (Extras: Multiattack) (Flaws: Inaccurate). (17) -- (19)

  • AE: Rocket Launcher Attachment: Ranged Area (30 ft. Burst) Damage 5. (15)
  • AE: Scimitar: Strength-based Damage 2 (Extras: Improved Critical). (3)

Jetpack: Flight 3. (6)

Equipment 5, Ranged Attack

Athletics 3 (+3 total).
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+6 total).
Deception 2 (+5 total).
Insight 2 (+2 total).
Perception 1 (+1 total).
Persuasion 2 (+5 total).
Stealth 1 (+2 total).

Initiative +1
Unarmed +6, close damage 0.
Scimitar +3, close damage 2, critical 19-20.
Automatic Rifles +0, ranged damage 6.
Rocket Launcher, ranged 30 ft. burst area damage 5.

Dodge 2, Fortitude 2, Parry 3, Toughness 1, Will 1


Motivation: “No Reason. Only Madness”: Tricky’s motivations seem to be chaotic and generally unclear. He begins the series wanting to protect The Sheriff and kill Hank, but then, after becoming a zombie, seems to only want to DJ for a nightclub. He then joins again with the A.A.H.W. and seems to be trying to kill Hank, but also others who are supposedly on his side, such as Jesus. Then, through the Improbability Drive, Tricky becomes a bizarre monster of fire and seems to want only to battle Hank, even telling him to “Get up!” after killing him. After having his corpse absorbed by The Auditor and taking control of the Unknown Dimension, Tricky manifests himself as a bizarre skeletal creature and seems to want only to kill Hank and his allies.

Limited Ammunition: The Clown must recharge his firearms.

18 Abilities, 0 Powers, 8 Advantages, 7 Skills, 3 Defenses = 36 Character Points

About: One of the few noteworthy characters during the early series, Tricky the Clown would later become one of the most memorable and important characters on the series, being the only character to have colors on his outfit. He has his face painted white, red clown hair and blue lips smiling painted on his face.

On his early appearances, Tricky the Clown seems to be a regular Grunt with a different appearance, so I stated him as such, but gave him a higher Presence score (he is a clown after all). Despite him not using it, his M16 has a grenade launcher attachment, so I decided to include it in the build. It is also not clear what assault rifle Tricky has in episode 3, so I put it as “M16 or M60”.

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Tricky the Clown (Post-Zombification in Episode 3)

Group: None. Works alongside the A.A.H.W.
Base of Operations: Somewhere in Nevada.

Power Level 3 - 56 Character Points

Strength 0, Agility 1, Fighting 3, Awareness 0
Stamina --, Dexterity 1, Intellect 0, Presence 3

Zombie Physiology: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects). [30]
Protection 2. [2]

Jetpack: Flight 3. (6)

Street Sign: Strength-based Damage 2. (2)

Equipment 2, Ranged Attack

Athletics 3 (+3 total).
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+6 total).
Deception 2 (+5 total).
Insight 2 (+2 total).
Perception 1 (+1 total).
Persuasion 2 (+5 total).
Stealth 1 (+2 total).

Initiative +1
Unarmed +6, close damage 0.
Street Sign +4, close damage 2.

Dodge 3, Fortitude IMMUNE, Parry 3, Toughness 2, Will 1


Motivation: “No Reason. Only Madness”: Tricky’s motivations seem to be chaotic and generally unclear. He begins the series wanting to protect The Sheriff and kill Hank, but then, after becoming a zombie, seems to only want to DJ for a nightclub. He then joins again with the A.A.H.W. and seems to be trying to kill Hank, but also others who are supposedly on his side, such as Jesus. Then, through the Improbability Drive, Tricky becomes a bizarre monster of fire and seems to want only to battle Hank, even telling him to “Get up!” after killing him. After having his corpse absorbed by The Auditor and taking control of the Unknown Dimension, Tricky manifests himself as a bizarre skeletal creature and seems to want only to kill Hank and his allies.

6 Abilities, 32 Powers, 8 Advantages, 7 Skills, 3 Defenses = 56 Character Points

About: Tricky after being turned into a zombie in Madness Combat 3. His green skin and zombie status became an iconic part of his character as well. He otherwise looks exactly like himself pre-zombification.

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Solar's Build Thread - The In-Between-Updates Update! - Page 2 (5)

Tricky the Clown (Episodes 4 to 6)

Group: None. Works alongside the A.A.H.W.
Base of Operations: Somewhere in Nevada.

Power Level 10 - 117 Character Points

Strength 2, Agility 5, Fighting 8, Awareness 0
Stamina --, Dexterity 3, Intellect 0, Presence 3

Zombie Physiology: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects). [30]
Protection 5. [5]

Insanity Personified: Speed 2. [2]
Burrowing 7. [7]
Leaping 3 (60 feet). [3]
Enhanced Parry 2. [2]
Enhanced Dodge 2. [2]

Street Sign: Strength-based Damage 2. (2)

Metal Mask: Protection 1. (1)

Close Attack 8, Diehard, Equipment, Improved Critical (Street Sign) 2, Improved Initiative, Improvised Weapon, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack, Takedown 2

Acrobatics 4 (+9 total).
Athletics 9 (+11 total).
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+18 total).
Deception 6 (+9 total).
Intimidation 4 (+7 total).
Insight 2 (+2 total).
Perception 8 (+8 total).
Persuasion 4 (+7 total).
Stealth 1 (+6 total).

Initiative +9
Unarmed +18, close damage 2.
Street Sign +16, close damage 4, critical 18-20.

Dodge 12*, Fortitude IMMUNE, Parry 12*, Toughness 5/6*, Will 5
*Dodge and Parry changed due to powers, Toughness 6 with mask.


Motivation: “No Reason. Only Madness”: Tricky’s motivations seem to be chaotic and generally unclear. He begins the series wanting to protect The Sheriff and kill Hank, but then, after becoming a zombie, seems to only want to DJ for a nightclub. He then joins again with the A.A.H.W. and seems to be trying to kill Hank, but also others who are supposedly on his side, such as Jesus. Then, through the Improbability Drive, Tricky becomes a bizarre monster of fire and seems to want only to battle Hank, even telling him to “Get up!” after killing him. After having his corpse absorbed by The Auditor and taking control of the Unknown Dimension, Tricky manifests himself as a bizarre skeletal creature and seems to want only to kill Hank and his allies.

16 Abilities, 49 Powers, 20 Advantages, 20 Skills, 12 Defenses = 117 Character Points

About: Tricky during the first half of the set of episodes known as the “Tricky Saga”. He adopts a metal mask that also became iconic. His mask quickly gets pierced by Hank when he shoots Tricky in the face, something that Tricky managed to survive due to his zombified state. He also eventually lost the upper half of his head when Hank chopped it off in episode 5. He finally dies at the end of episode 6, but is revived by the Improbability Drive as a strange monstrosity made of fire.

Tricky, unlike in his previous appearances, seems to be a very competent combatant now, even stronger than Hank and Jesus, tanking many hits that would normally be death blows and being insanely quick, both in movement and in combat. He also gains the power to move beneath the earth, usually keeping his street sign above the earth when he does so. The origin of his powers, tho not explained, seem to be the Improbability Drive.

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Tricky the Clown (Madness Combat 7)

Group: None.
Base of Operations: Somewhere in Nevada.

Power Level 13 (PL 15 Athletics) - 167 Character Points

Strength 10*, Agility 6, Fighting 9, Awareness 0
Stamina --, Dexterity 3, Intellect 0, Presence 3
*Increased due to size.

Improbability Drive-Powered Fire Monster: Growth 8 (Strength and Toughness +8, Mass +8, Intimidation +4, Dodge and Parry -4, Stealth -8, Speed +1) (Extras: Innate and Permanent). [17]
Speed +1 (2 total). [1]
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects). [30]
Protection 9. [9]
Made of Fire: Reaction Damage 4. [16]

Spit Flames: Area (30 ft. Line) Damage 8 (Flaws: Limited to grounded targets). [8]

Close Attack 5, Diehard, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Quick Draw, Takedown 2, Withstand Damage

Acrobatics 2 (+8 total).
Athletics 13 (+25 total).
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+16 total).
Deception 6 (+9 total).
Intimidation 6 (+9 total, +13 size).
Insight 2 (+2 total).
Perception 8 (+8 total).
Persuasion 4 (+7 total).
Stealth 1 (+7 total, +3 size).

Initiative +10
Unarmed +16, close damage 10, critical 19-20.
Made of Fire, close reaction damage 4.
Spit Flames, close 30 ft. line damage 8.

Dodge 8, Fortitude IMMUNE, Parry 9, Toughness 17, Will 6


Motivation: “No Reason. Only Madness”: Tricky’s motivations seem to be chaotic and generally unclear. He begins the series wanting to protect The Sheriff and kill Hank, but then, after becoming a zombie, seems to only want to DJ for a nightclub. He then joins again with the A.A.H.W. and seems to be trying to kill Hank, but also others who are supposedly on his side, such as Jesus. Then, through the Improbability Drive, Tricky becomes a bizarre monster of fire and seems to want only to battle Hank, even telling him to “Get up!” after killing him. After having his corpse absorbed by The Auditor and taking control of the Unknown Dimension, Tricky manifests himself as a bizarre skeletal creature and seems to want only to kill Hank and his allies.

Weakness: Improbability Drive: Tricky’s weak spot is the improbability drive placed where his brain would be. Tricky suffers a penalty decided by the DM on Toughness checks against attacks aimed at the improbability drive.

Power Loss: Tied To Improbability Drive: Tricky’s new monstrous form comes from the improbability drive he keeps within his head. If he is separated from the improbability drive, he loses his growth effect and instead becomes normal size, gaining a boost on his Parry and Dodge defense, but losing his enormous toughness. If the improbability drive is destroyed, he reverts back to his old self (Episodes 4 to 6 build), who was in a heavily wounded state.

36 Abilities, 81 Powers, 13 Advantages, 22 Skills, 16 Defenses = 168 Character Points

About: Tricky as he appears in the end of the so called “Tricky Saga”. He is now a gigantic demonic skull-like creature made of (or covered by, as he still appears to be material) flames. He entered this form due to being revived by the Improbability Drive, that now is inside of his head, his only weak point. After the Improbability Drive is damaged by Hank with a shotgun, when Tricky later returns in the episode he is now normal sized despite still being made of fire, implying that since he was now distant from the Drive he wasn’t receiving all its abilities. When the Drive is destroyed, he returns to his previous appearance, with green skin and a damaged mask.

Flame Demon Tricky is clearly one of the strongest characters to appear in the Madness Combat series, with Hank preferring to escape him rather than fight. I decided to make him PL 13 because of that, tho he receives a significant debuff when the Improbability Drive is removed and by having it as a weak point.

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Solar's Build Thread - The In-Between-Updates Update! - Page 2 (8)

Tricky the Clown (Madness Combat 11)

Group: None.
Base of Operations: Somewhere in Nevada.

Power Level 11 - 181 Character Points

Strength 2, Agility 6, Fighting 9, Awareness 0
Stamina --, Dexterity 3, Intellect 0, Presence 3

Skeleton Physiology: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects). [30]
Protection 5. [5]

Insanity Personified:Speed 2. [2]
Burrowing 7. [7]
Flight 2. [4]
Enhanced Parry 2. [2]
Enhanced Dodge 2. [2]

Master of the Unknown Dimension: Teleport 8 (2 kilometers or 1 mile) (Extras: Change Direction) (Flaws: Limited to within the Unknown Dimension). [9]
Feature: Can create weapons while within the Unknown Dimension. [1]
Move Object 10 (Flaws: Limited to the Unknown Dimension). [10]

M60 Automatic Rifle: Ranged Damage 6 (Extras: Multiattack) (Flaws: Inaccurate). (17) -- (19)

  • AE: Street Sign: Strength-based Damage 2. (2)
  • AE: Axe: Strength-based Damage 3 (Extras: Penetrating 2). (5)

Close Attack 8, Diehard, Equipment 4, Improved Critical (Street Sign) 2, Improved Initiative, Improvised Weapon, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 10, Takedown 2

Acrobatics 6 (+12 total).
Athletics 12 (+15 total).
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+19 total).
Deception 6 (+9 total).
Intimidation 7 (+10 total).
Insight 2 (+2 total).
Perception 8 (+8 total).
Persuasion 4 (+7 total).
Stealth 1 (+6 total).

Initiative +9
Unarmed +20, close damage 2.
Street Sign +17, close damage 4, critical 18-20.
Axe +17, close damage 5.
M60 +11, ranged damage 6.

Dodge 15*, Fortitude IMMUNE, Parry 16*, Toughness 5, Will 5
*Increased due to powers.


Motivation: “No Reason. Only Madness”: Tricky’s motivations seem to be chaotic and generally unclear. He begins the series wanting to protect The Sheriff and kill Hank, but then, after becoming a zombie, seems to only want to DJ for a nightclub. He then joins again with the A.A.H.W. and seems to be trying to kill Hank, but also others who are supposedly on his side, such as Jesus. Then, through the Improbability Drive, Tricky becomes a bizarre monster of fire and seems to want only to battle Hank, even telling him to “Get up!” after killing him. After having his corpse absorbed by The Auditor and taking control of the Unknown Dimension, Tricky manifests himself as a bizarre skeletal creature and seems to want only to kill Hank and his allies.

Motivation: Maintain the Halo: It is unclear why, but Tricky seems to desperately want to keep the Halo for himself. It might be that his existence is dependent on him having it, that his powers are stronger due to the Halo or that he wants to maintain it for reasons not even himself understands. Regardless, whenever someone removes the halo from him, Tricky’s main priority will be to reclaim it.

Bound to the Unknown Dimension: Tricky the Clown can only exist within the Unknown Dimension in this form. He manifests in reality as a bizarre gigantic skeletal creature and seems to be able to warp other to the Unknown Dimension and summon skeletons.

36 Abilities, 72 Powers, 32 Advantages, 24 Skills, 18 Defenses = 182 Character Points

About: Tricky in his most recent appearance in the Madness Combat series. He was revived through the power of the Halo after being absorbed by the auditor, becoming a skeletal abomination that sprouts from the ground. He commands his own group of minions, skeletons, and is able to warp other to the Unknown Dimension through pressing them against surfaces. During the episode, he antagonizes Sanford and Hank, taunting them and sending hordes of enemies against them, until he is defeated by Hank and some strange red creatures that weren’t fully explained yet. His manifestation on the real world, the gigantic skeleton, explodes after his form on the Unknown Dimension is destroyed, with the Auditor leaving from his corpse and reclaiming the Halo, and Hank and Sanford appearing from the corpse as well, presumably unconscious.

I decided not to stat out the skeletal abomination (Tricky’s form in the real world), as it doesn’t do much fighting during the episode except for ripping Hank’s mutant arm out. The build for Tricky in the Unknown Dimension is, instead, a 1 PL upgrade from his Tricky Saga build, as he is seemingly stronger than Sanford and not as strong as the gigantic fire creature. Additionally, I decided to keep the Improved Critical with the street sign, as it is Tricky’s signature weapon.

Solar's Build Thread - The In-Between-Updates Update! - Page 2 (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.